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n.棒,柱,杆,竿,极,磁极,电极 vt.用竿支撑,用棒推 vi.撑篙 Pole 波兰人


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动词过去式:poled 过去分词:poled 现在分词:poling 第三人称单数:poles


bar  beam  post  rod  shaft  stick    


/pəʊl; pol/
1 either of the two points at the exact top and bottom of the Earth, which are the opposite ends of the axis on which it turns 地极
*the North/South Pole 北[南]极. =>illus at globe 见globe插图.
2 (physics 物) either of the two ends of a magnet or the terminal points of an electric battery 磁极; 电极
*the negative/positive pole 负[正]极.
3 (fig 比喻) either of two opposite, conflicting or contrasting extremes 相反的、冲突的或对立的两极之一
*Our points of view are at opposite poles. 我们的观点截然相反.
4 (idm 习语) be `poles apart be widely separated; have nothing in common 截然相反; 南辕北辙
*The employers and the trade union leaders are still poles apart, ie are far from reaching an agreement or a compromise. 雇主和工会领袖的意见仍相距甚远.

/pəʊl; pol/
1 long thin rounded piece of wood or metal, used esp as a support for sth or for pushing boats, etc along 杆; 竿; 棒; 杖; 篙
*a tent, flag, telegraph, etc pole 帐篷支柱、旗杆、电线杆
* a punt, barge, ski, etc pole 撑船的篙、滑雪杖.
2 = perch1 3.
3 (idm 习语) up the `pole (infml 口 esp Brit)
(a) in difficulty 处于困境.
(b) wrong; mistaken 错误的; 弄错的.
(c) crazy; eccentric 发疯的; 古怪的.

v [Tn.pr, Tn.p] push (a boat, etc) along by using a pole 用杆、篙、杖等撑(船等)
*pole a punt up the river 用篙撑方头平底船逆流而上.


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: German;Origin:Polish Poljane 'people who live in fields, Poles', from pole 'field']
someone from Poland
1. Byrd now knew that he would be able to reach the South Pole which was 300 miles away, for there were no more mountains in sight.

2. When the north pole is towards the sun, the sun´s rays shine down quite straight on the northern part of the earth, while they slant down towards the southern part.

3. When the south pole is towards the sun, the southern half of the world (or the Southern Hemisphere) is warmer, and it has its summer (December, January and February).

4. They made an expedition to the North Pole.

5. The South Pole is not inhabited.

6. The grass fresh and green, a flag on a tall pole in the centre, children playing, and a Negro woman looking at it with so much hope!

7. Near the North Pole there are two seasons: winter and summer.

8. He had put up a basket on a pole in the back yard.

9. As the earth travels round, first one pole and then the other is tilted towards the sun.

10. So when the north pole tips towards the sun, the northern half of the world (or the Northern Hemisphere) is warmer and has its summer (June, July and August).
