

美音:[pauns ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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v.突袭 n.突袭




名词:pouncer 动词过去式:pounced 过去分词:pounced 现在分词:pouncing 第三人称单数:pounces


punct=to prick(刺)


bound  dive  hop  hurdle  jump  leap  plunge  spring  swoop  vault    


/paʊns; pauns/
v [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb/sth) make a sudden attack by swooping or springing down 突然袭击; 猛扑
*We saw the tiger about to pounce (on the goat). 我们看见老虎要(向那只山羊)扑过去.
* The hawk pounced on its prey and carried it off. 那只鹰向那小动物猛扑过去把它叼走了.
* We hid behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the intruder. 我们藏在灌木丛後面, 准备向来犯者发起突然袭击.
* (fig 比喻) pounce on a mistake, ie spot it very quickly 一眼就看到错误.

n [sing] sudden attack by pouncing 突然的袭击; 猛扑的举动.


v [I]
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: pounce 'claw' (15-19 centuries), probably from puncheon 'pointed weapon' (14-20 centuries), from Old French poinchon]
to suddenly move forward and attack someone or something, after waiting to attack them
 The cat was hiding in the bushes, ready to pounce.
pounce on
 Kevin pounced on Liam and started hitting him.
pounce on / [pounce on sb/sth] phr v
to criticize someone's mistakes or ideas very quickly and eagerly
 Teachers are quick to pounce on students' grammatical errors.
to eagerly take an opportunity as soon as it becomes available
 When they offered O'Leary the chance to become manager, he pounced on it.