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presence为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1234

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/'prezns; `prɛzns/
1 [U] being present in a place 出席; 在场; 存在
*The dogs were trained to detect the presence of explosives. 那些狗是训练来查寻爆炸物的.
* Your presence is requested at the shareholders' meeting. 敬请您出席股东会议.
* Her presence during the crisis had a calming effect. 在危难中有了她就稳定了人心. Cf 参看 absence.
2 [U, sing] (approv 褒) person's way of standing, moving, etc, esp as it affects other people 仪态; (尤指)风度
*a man of great presence 潇洒的男子
* The power of his stage presence could never be forgotten. 他的舞台表演才能令人难忘.
3 [C] person or thing that is or seems to be present in a place (似乎)在场的人或事物
*There seemed to be a ghostly presence in the room. 屋里像是有个鬼似的.
4 [sing] number of eg soldiers or policemen in a place for a special purpose (执行某种使命的)一群在场人员(如军警等)
*a massive police presence at the meeting 大会期间在场的大批警察
* The United Nations maintains a military presence in the area. 联合国在该地区驻有军队.
5 (idm 习语)be admitted to sb's presence => admit. in the presence of sb/in sb's presence in the place where sb is; with sb there 当着某人; 有某人在场
*He made the accusation in the presence of witnesses. 他在有见证人在场的情况下提出了控告.
* She asked them not to discuss the matter in her presence. 她请求他们不要当着她讨论这个问题. make one's `presence felt make others aware of one's presence or existence by the strength of one's personality, one's superior ability, etc 凭本身的实力、长处等使别人注意自己
*The new chairman is certainly making his presence felt! 那位新任主席确是在突出自己! ,presence of `mind ability to remain calm and act quickly and sensibly in a crisis 危难中镇定自若; 遇事不慌
*The child showed great presence of mind by grabbing the falling baby. 那孩子毫不慌张一把抓住了摔下的婴儿.


2 in the presence of somebody
4【official group】
7 make your presence felt
when someone or something is present in a particular place
 Your presence is requested at the club meeting on Friday.
presence of
 Tests revealed the presence of poison in the blood.
in the presence of sbalsoin sb's presence
formal with someone or in the same place as them
 He was determined not to complain in the presence of the nurse.
 I asked you not to smoke in my presence.
the ability to appear impressive to people because of your appearance or the way you behave
 a man of great presence
【OFFICIAL GROUP】 [singular]
a group of people, especially soldiers, who are in a place to control what is happening
 We will increase police presence in local communities.
 Soldiers still maintain a military presence in the area.
【BUSINESS】 [C usually singular]
the ability to gain sales because your business is strong or noticeable
 a company with a strong presence in all major world markets
【SPIRIT】 [C usually singular]
a spirit or influence that cannot be seen but is felt to be near
 They felt a strange presence in the deserted house.
make your presence felt
to have a strong and noticeable effect on the people around you or the situation you are in
 She was a very pretty girl and made her presence felt almost at once.
1. Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound.

2. We enjoy staring at them, entranced as they go about their business, unaware (we hope) of our presence.

3. He seated himself upon the bench beside her, without a suspicion that she might object to his presence.

4. At present, there is no telescope in existence that is capable of detecting the presence of life.

5. She seemed rattled about our presence.
    我们在场, 她显得惊恐不安。

6. Make sure that all bottles are opened in your presence, and that their rims are clean and dry.

7. Love is not enough, compared with the presence and support of both a mother and a father.

8. I was aware of a certain constraint on their part when they were in my presence.
