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professor为中学词汇   词频:3311


名词:professorship 副词:professorially 形容词:professorial


fess=to speak(说)

近义词, 同义词


/prə'fesə(r); prə`fɛsɚ/
n (abbr 缩写 Prof)
1 (US also full professor) (title of a) university teacher of the highest grade who holds a chair(3) in a subject(大学)教授(的头衔)
*He is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford. 他是牛津大学伦理学教授.
* She was madeprofessor at the age of 40. 她40岁就当了教授.
* Professor Smith, may I introduce one of my students to you? 史密斯教授, 请让我介绍一下我的一个学生.
2 (US) teacher at a university or college (大学的)教师, 教员.
3 (joc 谑) title taken by instructors in various subjects 师傅(对各行业中传授技艺者的称呼)
*Professor Pate, the famous phrenologist. 着名的颅相学家佩特师傅.


BrE a teacher of the highest rank in a university department
 Professor Barclay
professor of Chinese/economics/religion etc
 She's been named the professor of English.
AmE a teacher at a university or college
 Ted's a college professor .
biology/history/French etc professor
 Who's your chemistry professor?
assistant professor, associate professorsee usage noteteacher
1. That was a pretty decent lecture professor Willams gave today.

2. The professor initiated students into the mysteries of microbe.

3. The prime mover behind the project, Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a Stanford professor, labored with his colleagues for 16 years to create nothing less than the first genetic map of the world.

4. He´s a professor.

5. After the class began, most of what the professor said escaped my ears and I left as soon as the lecture ended.

6. "We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss," says Roseanne M. Lyle, associate professor at Purdue.
    "我们发现,那些通常不运动的女性一旦开始适度的锻炼,就会出现铁离子含量下降的迹象," 珀杜大学罗斯安妮·M.莱尔副教授说。

7. "In older people, an exercise program appears important for brain maintenance," says Daniel M. Landers, professor of exercise science at Arizona State University,
    亚利桑那州立大学的运动学教授丹尼尔·M. 兰德斯说,"对老年人来说,锻炼计划对维持大脑功能似乎非常重要。"

8. "The man smiled at me, then lifted up one foot, bent over, and took off his shoe while balancing on his other leg," recalls Wolf, a professor and researcher.
    "他对我微笑着,然后提起一只脚,弯下腰,用另一条腿保持平衡,脱下了那只脚上的鞋," 教授兼学者的沃尔夫回忆说。"

9. "Jukus are harmful to Japanese education and to children," said a professor at the University of Tokyo.

10. "A whole generation still remembers when only 21 miles stood between Hitler and the conquest of England," says a professor of English history.
