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v.航行(于) vi.启航,开船 n.帆,篷,航行


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coast  cruise  float  glide  navigate  skim    


/seɪl; sel/
1 (a) [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) sheet of canvas spread to catch the wind and drive a ship or boat along 帆
*hoist/lower the sails 扬[下]帆
* the `foresail 前桅帆
* the `mainsail 主帆.
(b) [U] sails; propulsion by means of sails 帆(总称); (扬帆)航行
*put on more sail 多扯起些帆
* take in sail 收回些帆
* the age of sail, ie when ships all used sails 帆船时代.
2 [sing]
(a) voyage or excursion on water for pleasure 航行游览
*go for a sail 乘船游玩.
(b) voyage of a specified length 航程
*a three-day sail to get to Brest 到布雷斯特的三天航程
* How many days' sail is it from Hull to Oslo? 从赫尔到奥斯陆有几天的航程?
3 [C] (pl unchanged 复数不变) (nautical 海) ship 船
*a fleet of twenty sail 有二十艘船的船队
* There wasn't a sail in sight. 一条船也看不见.
4 [C] set of slats attached to the arm of a windmill to catch the wind 风车的翼板. =>illus at windmill 见windmill插图.
5 (idm 习语) crowdon sail =>crowd2. in full sail => full. set sail (from/to/for...) begin a voyage 起航
*We set sail (for France) at high tide. 我们在涨潮时起航(去法国). take the wind out of sb's sails => wind1. under `sail (moving) with sails spread 扬着帆(行进)
*The yacht wasn't under sail because the wind wasn't strong enough. 风不够大, 赛艇未能扬起风帆.

/seɪl; sel/
1 (a) [Ipr, Ip] travel on water in a ship, yacht, etc using sails or engine power; move forward on ice, a sandy beach, etc in a wheeled vehicle with sails (乘船或机帆船、游艇等)作水上旅行; (坐带帆的轮式运载工具)在冰上或沙滩上滑行
*sail up/along the coast 向[沿]海岸航行
* sail into the harbour 驶入海港
* an oil tanker sailing by 驶过的油轮.
(b) [I] (usu 通常作 go sailing) travel on water in a boat with sails, esp as a sport 乘帆船航行; (尤指)帆船运动. =>Usage at travel 用法见travel.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (from...) (for/to...) (of a ship or the crew and passengers) begin a voyage (指船或船员和乘客)起航
*When does the ship sail? 这船何时起航?
* He has sailed (from Southampton) for New York. 他已乘船(从南安普顿)去纽约了.
3 [Tn] travel by ship across or on (a sea, an ocean, etc) 乘船在(海洋等)上或越过(海洋等)旅行
*sail the Aegean in a cruiser 乘游艇在爱琴海上旅游.
4 [I, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (be able to) control (a ship or boat) (能)驾驶(船)
*Do you sail? 你会驾驶船吗?
* She sails her own yacht. 她驾驶自己的游艇.
* He sailed the boat between the islands. 他驾驶着船在两岛之间航行.
5 (idm 习语) run/sail before the wind => wind 1. sail close/near to the `wind behave in a way that is dangerous or nearly illegal 干危险或近乎违法的事
*He never actually tells lies, but he often sails pretty close to the wind. 他实际上从不撒谎, 但说的话常迹近撒谎.
6 (phr v) sail across, into, past, etc sb/sth move in a smooth or very confident way in the direction specified 顺利地或极有信心地沿某方向行进
*clouds sailing across the sky 轻快地飘过天空的云彩
* The manager sailed into the room. 经理神态自若地走进房间.
* She sailed past (me), ignoring me completely. 她从我身旁翩然走过, 全然不理会我. sail in enter an argument or dispute energetically 参与激烈争论或辩论
*Ann then sailed in with a furious attack on the chairman. 安随後严词抨击董事长. sail into sb attack sb in words 抨击某人
*He sailed into the witness, accusing him of lying. 他指责证人撒谎. sail through (sth) come through (an examination, a test, etc) without difficulty 顺利通过(考试、测验等)
*She sailed through her finals. 她顺利通过期末考试.
1. They set sail on the sea.

2. The captain of the Ellen Austin installed a new crew to sail it,

3. And could not any other person sail across the ocean as he has done?"

4. Anybody can sail across the ocean, and anybody can coast along the islands on the other side, just as you have done.

5. She set sail on Sunday, 5 July 1767, headed directly for Annapolis.

6. Sotto, trying to ease his way past Humboldt to adjust the sail, knocked a book into the water.

7. Our neighbour Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmonth tomorrow.
    我们的邻居 Charles Alison 船长明天将从朴次茅斯出海。

8. Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.

9. On June 5, 1799, Humboldt and Bonpland set sail from La Coruna.

10. I like to sail in a yacht.
