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scared为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5664

近义词, 同义词


adj ~ (of sb/sth); (of doing sth/to do sth) frightened 惊恐的; 恐惧的
*I'm scared (of ghosts). 我害怕(鬼).
* scared of being attacked, to go out alone 害怕受到攻击、独自外出
* a very scared man 吓怕了的人.


frightened of something, or nervous about something
= afraid
 At first, he was really scared.
scared of (doing) sth
 I've always been scared of dogs.
 Don't be scared of asking for help.
scared (that)
 I wanted to ask her out but was scared that she might refuse.
scared to do sth
 The boys were scared to cross the street.
scared stiff/scared to death/scared out of your wits
(=extremely frightened)
 I was scared stiff at the thought of making a speech.
1. They are in the cage right behind your seat.Are you scared?

2. The caller was a state senator, which scared Suzanne a little.

3. At first, I was scared, but Ron made me do it six times. With each repetition, I felt more confident.

4. "It´s turned out that the dog belongs to some rich man and he is terribly scared of losing it.
