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scientific为中学词汇   词频:1646




sci=to know(知道)




/,saɪən'tɪfɪk; ,saɪən`tɪfɪk/
1 (a) [attrib 作定语] of, used in or involved in science 科学的; 用于科学研究的; 关于科学的
*a scientific discovery, instrument, textbook, researcher 科学发现、科学仪器、理科教科书、科学研究人员.
(b) using methods based on those of science 采用科学方法的
*scientific farming 科学种田
* They are very scientific in their approach. 他们的方法很科学.
2 having, using or needing skill or expert knowledge 具有、采用或需要技术或专门知识的
*a scientific player, game 有专门技术的选手、需要技巧的游戏.


[no comparative]
about or related to science, or using its methods
 We believe in investing in scientific research.
 the limits of scientific knowledge
 decisions based on scientific evidence
 the international scientific community (=scientists)
informal using an organized system
 I keep accounts for the business, but I'm not scientific about it.
the scientific method
the usual process of finding out information in science, which involves testing your ideas by performing experiments and making decisions based on the results
>scientifically [-kli/
1. But a closer study of the evidence, supported by a deeper sense of the period, and particularly by a new consciousness of the philosophical undercurrents in the scientific revolution, has profoundly modified this view of Galileo.

2. We shall need to apply our scientific and technological resources to literally every aspect of our society.

3. Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific research in industry.

4. The Arctic explorers carried with them a lot of scientific instruments.

5. They are very scientific in their approach.

6. Two factors weigh heavily against the effectiveness of scientific research in industry.

7. This boy came to be called the founder of modern scientific surgery.

8. The scientific instruments they had brought with them aroused great curiosity, and none more so than the microscope.

9. Through open exchanges of scientific facts as well as support of international organizations such as the World Health Organization, all nations can join efforts to fight against this life-threatening disease.

10. Think about the possibilities: a whole basketball team of Michael Jordans, a scientific panel of Albert Einsteins, a movie starring and co-starring Brad Pitts.
