

美音:[skri:m ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[skri:m ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.尖声叫,尖声喊叫 n.尖叫声,喊叫声


scream为中学词汇   词频:6000


副词:screamingly 动词过去式:screamed 过去分词:screamed 现在分词:screaming 第三人称单数:screams

近义词, 同义词

creak  grate  jar  twang  jangle  clank  clink  scream  cry  yelp  buzz  hisscry  roar  shout  bawl  brawl  whoop  yell  bellow  howl  scream  screech  shriek  squeak  squeal  whine  hoot  grumble  moan  groan  grunt    


bawl  cry  howl  screech  shout  shriek  squall  wail  yell    


/skri:m; skrim/
1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Tf, Cn.a] ~ (sth) (out) (at sb); ~ (with sth) give a long piercing cry of fear, pain or excitement; cry (sth) in this way (因恐惧、痛苦或兴奋)尖声喊叫; 喊出
*Those cats have been screaming for hours. 那些猫叫了半天了.
* She screamed (out) (at me) in anger. 她愤怒地(对我)尖声喊叫.
* The fans screamed with excitement when they saw him. 球迷一看见他都激动得大喊大叫.
* We all screamed with laughter, ie laughed noisily. 我们都大笑起来.
* `Help!' she screamed. 她高声喊叫`救命啊!'
* He screamed (out) that there was a fire. 他叫嚷失火了.
* The baby was screaming himself red in the face. 那小孩儿哭叫得脸都红了. =>Usage at shout 用法见shout.
2 [I] (of the wind, a machine, etc) make a loud piercingsound (指风、机器等)发出大而尖的声音
*The hurricane screamed outside. 外面飓风呼啸着.
* I pressed the accelerator until the engine screamed. 我猛踩油门踏板, 发动机发出了尖利的声音.
3 (phr v) scream past, through, round, etc move quickly with a loud, piercing sound 尖叫着移动
*The wind screamed through the trees. 风呼啸着穿过树林.
* Racing cars screamed past. 汽车赛车呼啸而过.

1 [C] loud shrill piercing cry or noise 大而尖的声音
*the screams of tortured prisoners 犯人受折磨时的尖叫声
* a scream of pain, laughter, excitement, etc 痛苦、大笑、激动等时的尖叫声.
2 [sing] (infml 口) person or thing that causes laughter 令人大笑的人或事物
*He's an absolute scream. 他非常滑稽.
* The play's a scream. 这个剧十分可笑. screamingly adv enough to cause screams of laughter 极其可笑
*screamingly funny 滑稽得令人大笑.
1. A scream shattered the silence.

2. At any moment he expected to hear Bonpland scream, to see the first blood begin to stain the water.

3. “Sam!” I scream.

4. Car alarms constantly scream at us in the street and are a source of profound irritation.
