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sensitive为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2355


名词:sensitiveness 副词:sensitively


sens,sent=to feel(感觉)

近义词, 同义词




/'sensətɪv; `sɛnsətɪv/ adj
1 (a) easily hurt or damaged 易受伤害的; 易损坏的
*the sensitive skin of a baby 婴儿娇嫩的皮肤* A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain. 牙神经易受损伤, 可产生巨痛.
(b) ~ (to sth) affected greatly or easily by sth 很受影响的; 易受影响的; 敏感的
*Photographic paper is highly sensitive to light. 感光纸对光十分敏感.
* This material is heat-sensitive, ie responds quickly to changes in temperature. 这种材料对温度变化很敏感.
2 ~ (about/to sth) easily offended or emotionally upset 易生气的; 感情容易冲动的; 神经质的
*a frail and sensitive child 脆弱而娇气的孩子
* He's very sensitive about being small, so don't mention it. 他对自己个子矮小神经过敏, 可别提这件事.
* A writer mustn't be too sensitive to criticism. 作家不可对批评意见反应过激.
3 (approv 褒) having or showing perceptive feeling or sympathetic understanding 有细腻感情的; 同情理解的
*an actor's sensitive reading of a poem 演员富于感情的诗朗诵
* When I need advice, he is a helpful and sensitive friend. 我一没了主意他就帮助我, 是个体贴人的朋友.
4 ~ (to sth) (of instruments, etc) able to measure very small changes (指仪器等)灵敏的
*a sensitive thermometer, balance, ammeter, etc 灵敏的温度计、天平、安培计等
* (fig 比喻) The Stock Exchange is sensitive to likely political changes. 证券交易所对潜在的政治变化很敏感.
5 needing to be treated with great secrecy or tact 需极秘密或慎重处理的
*sensitive military information 需秘密处理的军事情报
* a sensitive issue like race relations 需慎重对待的种族关系问题. =>Usage at sensible 用法见 sensible.


1【understanding people】
2【easily offended】
3【easily affected】
5【reacting to changes】
6【art/music etc】
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: sensitif, from Medieval Latin sensitivus, from Latin sensus; SENSE1]
able to understand other people's feelings and problems
 a sensitive and intelligent young man
sensitive to
 It's made me much more sensitive to the needs of the disabled.
easily upset or offended by events or things that people say
 a very sensitive child
sensitive about
 Laura's sensitive about her weight.
sensitive to
 Throughout her career she remained very sensitive to criticism.
sensitive soul
BrE (=someone who is easily upset by small or unimportant things)
easily affected or damaged by something such as a substance or temperature
 Wetlands are environmentally sensitive areas.
 a baby's sensitive skin
sensitive to
 Older people tend to be very sensitive to cold.
 Increasing numbers of people are sensitive to cow's milk.
a situation or subject that is sensitive needs to be dealt with very carefully, because it is secret or because it may offend people
 Abortion is a very sensitive issue.
 sensitive matters such as national security
 highly sensitive information
reacting to very small changes in light, temperature, position etc
 a highly sensitive electronic camera
light-sensitive/heat-sensitive etc
 light-sensitive photographic paper
able to understand or express yourself through art, music, literature etc
 a very sensitive performance
 It is an issue which needs to be handled sensitively.
1. The guy was sensitive and self-confident.

2. Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.

3. And the sensitive observer of sculpture must also learn to feel shape simply as shape, not as description or reminiscence.

4. Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.

5. "The controls are so sensitive," Major Hamilton says, "they're almost an extension of the pilot's body."
    "这些控制装置非常灵敏," 汉密尔顿少校说,"它们几乎就是驾驶员身体的延伸。"

6. Others argue that a child´s ear is especially sensitive.
