

美音:[´sılvə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.银,银子 vt.镀银


silver为中学词汇   词频:4930


动词过去式:silvered 过去分词:silvered 现在分词:silvering 第三人称单数:silvers

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/'sɪlvə(r); `sɪlvɚ/
1 [U] chemical element, ashiny white precious metal used for ornaments, jewellery,coins, utensils, etc 银
*solid silver 纯银
* [attrib 作定语] a silver mine 银矿. =>App
10 见附录10.
2 [U] coins made of silver or of an alloy looking like it 银币(银或似银合金铸成的硬币):
20 in notes and
5 in silver 20镑纸币和5镑银币
* a handful of silver 一把银币
* Have you any silver on you? 你带着银币呢吗?
3 [U]
(a) dishes, ornaments, etc made of silver 银器(银盘、银首饰等)
*have all one's silver stolen by burglars 所有的银器全被窃贼偷走
* sell the family silver to pay one's debts 卖掉祖传的银器还债.
(b) cutlery made of any metal 任何金属制的餐具
*We keep the silver in this sideboard. 我们把金属餐具放在这个餐具柜里.
4 (idm 习语) born with a silver spoon in one's mouth =>born. cross sb's palm with silver =>cross2. every cloud has a silver lining =>cloud1. the silver `screen a cinema screen or the cinema industry 银幕; 电影业
*stars of the silver screen 影星. a ,silver `tongue way of speaking that charms or persuades people 口才; 雄辩
*It was his silver tongue that got him the job.

1 [Tn] coat (sth) with silver or sth that looks like silver 在(某物)上镀银、包银或似银的物质
*metal silvered to make ornaments 用做饰物的镀银金属
* silver a mirror, ie coat glass to make it reflect things 制镜(在玻璃上涂似银物质而成).
2 [I, Tn] (cause hair, etc to) become bright like silver (使毛发等)变成银白色
*Her hair had silvered. 她的头发已变成银白色.
* The years have silvered her hair. 随着岁月流逝她的头发已白了.

adj made of or looking like silver 银的; 像银的
*a silver plate, dish, watch 银盘、碟、表
* a silver car, paint, thread 银色的汽车、颜料、线
* the silver moon 银色的月亮.
1. Every cloud has a silver lining.

2. They liked to hear me "speak pieces" and sing and wanted to see me dance, and gave me generously of their small silver for doing these things, which seemed strange to me for I wanted to do them so much that I needed bribing to stop.

3. Silver is a ductile metal.

4. Some coins are made of silver.

5. So I first sold the silver buttons of my Sunday coat, and then I sold my silver chain, and then I sold my pipe.

6. Highly polished silver was displayed in gleaming glass cabinets;

7. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost.

8. It had a head like a horse, big blue eyes, shining silver skin, and a bright red tail.

9. In the finals, I won the silver medal for the platform. Unfortunately, I wasn't happy. Instead, I felt I failed because I hadn't won the gold.
