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n.走私,偷带 v.走私




名词:smuggler 动词过去式:smuggled 过去分词:smuggled 现在分词:smuggling 第三人称单数:smuggles

近义词, 同义词

break the law  smuggle  steal  violate  lift  poach    


/'smʌgl; `smʌˇl/
v [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth/sb (into/out of/across/through sth); ~ sth/sb in/out/across/through
1 get (goods) secretly and illegally into or out of a country, esp without paying customs duty 偷运(货物)进出某国(尤指逃避关税); 走私
*smuggle Swiss watches into England 走私瑞士表运进英国
* smuggle drugs through customs 偷运毒品过海关
* smuggle goods across a frontier 偷运货物过境
* arrested for smuggling out currency 因私携货币出境而被捕.
2 send, take or bring (sth/sb) secretly and in defiance of rules and regulations (违反规章制度)偷运, 偷带(某物[某人])
*smuggle people out of the country 把人偷偷运送出国
* smuggle a prisoner through the main gates 把囚犯偷偷带出大门
* smuggle a letter into prison 把信偷偷带进监狱.

*People smuggle goods from one country to another when they illegally take things like watches, drugs, cigarettes, etc across a border. *smuggle指将手表、毒品、香烟之类物品从一国非法越过边境运往另一国. These goods may be banned (eg drugs) or they may be more expensive in the second country because of duty (eg jewellery). 这些物品或为禁品(如毒品), 或因关税重(如珠宝)在另一国可能价格更贵. Smugglers run guns, drugs and other prohibited dangerous items between countries, possibly as a regular activity. *run指走私者在国与国之间运送枪支、毒品及其他违禁危险品, 可能为经常性的活动. Goods (especially alcohol) are bootlegged when they aresmuggled or manufactured and sold illegally. *bootleg指非法运送、制造及出售货物(尤指酒). When records, films, books, etc are illegally copied and sold they are pirated. *pirate指非法复制及出售唱片、影片、书籍等.


v [T]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Low German;Origin: smuggeln and Dutch smokkelen]
to take something or someone illegally from one country to another
smuggle sth across sth
 The guns were smuggled across the border.
smuggle sth into/out of/from sth
 Illegal immigrants are smuggled into the country by boat.
informal to take something or someone secretly to a place where they are not allowed to be
smuggle sth into sth
 He smuggled his notes into the exam.
1. Sometimes, moreover, ordinary tourists attempt to smuggle an extra bottle of alcohol.
