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speaker为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1063






1 person who makes speeches; person who speaks or was speaking 发言者; 演讲者; 说(着)话的人
*May I introduce our speaker for this evening? 我来介绍一下今晚演讲的人好吗?
* a good, poor, interesting, etc speaker 演讲水平高的人、演讲能力差的人、发言有趣的人
* I turned and saw the speaker at the back of the room. 我转过脸看见说话的人是在屋子的最後面.
2 (infml 口) = loudspeaker (loud).
3 person who speaks a language 说某种语言的人
*French speakers/speakers of French 说法语的人.
4 the Speaker person who presides over business in the House of Commons and other legislative assemblies (英国下议院及其他议会的)议长
*`Order! Order!' shouted the Speaker. `安静! 安静!'议长大声说道.
* MP's trying to attract the attention of the Speaker 尽力引起议长注意的下议院议员.


someone who makes a formal speech to a group of people
speaker at
 the guest speaker at the conference
 The keynote speaker (=main or most important speaker) was Robert Venturi, the architect.
after-dinner speaker
(=someone who makes a speech after a formal meal)
someone who speaks a particular language
French-speaker/Spanish-speaker etc
speaker of
 Some English words are difficult for speakers of other languages.
 a native speaker of Chinese
keyboard, monitor, speaker
the part of a radio, sound system etc where the sound comes out
formal someone who says something
 Pay attention to the body language of the speaker.
the Speaker
an official who controls discussions in a parliament
the Speaker of the House
the politician who controls discussions in the House of Representatives in the US Congress
1. The speaker dramatized his adventures with many actions and gestures.

2. The chairman made an introductory remark before he called on the first speaker.
    主席在请第一个人发言之前, 做了一段开场白。

3. The speaker had a really noble voice which he could modulate with great skill.

4. The speaker lost himself in verbiage.

5. He is a glib speaker.

6. Since most people do not feel comfortable when they think they are being judged, this leaning-back position serves to prevent the speaker from continuing.

7. Roosevelt understood, and I must say he was an excellent speaker to interpret for, showing in a variety of ways consideration for my work.

8. From a speaker on the wall comes the doctor´s voice:"Good morning."
    从墙上的一个扬声器里传来医生的声音:" 早上好."
