

美音:[´spɔnsə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´spɔnsə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.发起人,主办者,保证人,主办人 vt.发起,主办 v.赞助


sponsor为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5133


名词:sponsorship 形容词:sponsorial 动词过去式:sponsored 过去分词:sponsored 现在分词:sponsoring 第三人称单数:sponsors


splend=to shine(发光;照耀)

近义词, 同义词



/'spɒnsə(r); `spɑnsɚ/
1 person who makes himself responsible for another (eg sb who is training for sth) 担保人, 保人(如为求学者作担保者).
2 godparent 教父; 教母.
3 person who puts forward or guarantees a proposal (eg for a new law) 发起者; 倡议者; 提案人; (建议的)保证人.
4 person or firm that pays for a radio or TV programme, or for a musical, artistic or sporting event, usu in order to use them for advertising 赞助人; 赞助公司; 广告客户.
5 person who pays money to charity in return for a specified activity by another person 向慈善事业捐款以换取他人的某项活动者.

v [Tn] act as a sponsor for (sb/sth) 担保或赞助(某人[某事物]); 倡议(某事)
*an athlete sponsored by a bank 由某银行资助的运动员
* a sponsored walk, ie one over a fixed distance for which the walkers arrange sponsorship beforehand in aid of charity 募捐性步行
* a government-sponsored cheap textbooks scheme 政府资助的提供廉价教科书的方案
* I'm doing a sponsored swim on Saturday will you sponsor me? 星期六我要参加慈善游泳--您愿意出钱赞助吗?