

美音:[stæb ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stæb ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.刺,刺伤的伤口,一阵突然而强烈的感觉,中伤,伤痛 v.剌,刺伤,伤害(感情等)


stab为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5446


名词:stabber 动词过去式:stabbed 过去分词:stabbed 现在分词:stabbing 第三人称单数:stabs


impale  perforate  pierce  puncture  wound    


/stb; stæb/
v (-bb-)
1 [Tn, Tn.pr] pierce (sth) or wound (sb) with a pointed tool or weapon; push (a knife, etc) into sb/sth 戳(某物); 刺伤(某人); 用(刀等)捅某人[某物]
*He was stabbed to death, ie killed by being stabbed. 他被刺死了.
* She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife. 她拿菜刀捅伤了他的腿.
* He stabbed the meat with his fork/stabbed his fork into the meat. 他用叉子叉肉.
2 (idm 习语) stab sb in the `back (infml 口) attack sb's position, reputation, etc treacherously; betray sb 背地里中伤某人; 背叛某人.
3 (phr v) stab at sb/sth aim a blow at sb/sth with or as if with a pointed weapon 扎向某人[某物]
*He stabbed at the earth with his stick. 他拿手杖戳着地.
* She stabbed at the air with her finger to emphasize what she was saying. 她手指一戳一戳的, 强调她说的话. =>Usage at nudge 用法见 nudge.

1 (a) act of stabbing; blow made by stabbing 刺; 戳; 捅; 扎; 戳击
*[attrib 作定语] several stab wounds 几处刺伤的地方.
(b) wound made by stabbing 刺伤或捅伤的伤口
*a stab in the arm 手臂上捅的伤口.
2 sudden sharp pain caused by, or as if by, stabbing 刺痛
*a stab of pain in the chest 胸部的一阵刺痛
* a stab of guilt 强烈的内疚.
3 (idm 习语) have a stab at sth/doing sth (infml 口) attempt (to do) sth 尽力做某事
*You'll never mend your car like that let me have a stab at it. 你这样怎么能修好汽车--让我来试试吧. a ,stab in the `back (infml 口) treacherous attack, eg on sb's reputation or position; betrayal 背後的中伤; 背叛行为.


In statistics, a "crosstab" is another name for a contingency table, which is a type of table created by crosstabulation. In survey research (e.
1. For more than half an hour 38 respectable Brooklyn, New York citizens watched a man attack and stab (刺杀) a woman three separate times.
