

美音:[´stʌmək ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.胃,胃口,胃部 v.容忍


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abdomen  bear  belly  endure  stand  take  tolerate    


/'stʌmək; `stʌmək/
1 [C] bag-like organ of the body into which food passes when swallowed and in which the first part of digestion occurs 胃
*It's unwise to swim on a full stomach, ie when one has just eaten a meal. 刚吃完饭不宜游泳.
* I don't like going to work on an empty stomach, ie without having eaten anything. 我不愿意空着肚子去上班.
* He felt an aching feeling in (the pit of) his stomach. 他胃疼.
* [attrib 作定语] a stomach upset, disorder, etc 反胃、胃不适. =>illus at digestive 见digestive插图.
2 [C] (infml 口) front part of the body between the chest and thighs; abdomen 肚子; 腹部
*He hit me in the stomach. 他击中我的肚子.
3 [U]
(a) appetite for food 食欲; 胃口
*have a very small stomach 胃口很小.
(b) ~ for sth (fig 比喻) desire or eagerness for sth 对某事物的欲望或渴求
*I had no stomach for a fight. 我不想打架.
4 (idm 习语) sb's eyes are bigger than his stomach => eye1. sick to one's stomach => sick. a strong stomach => strong. turn one's `stomach cause sb to be disgusted or revolted 使某人反胃或恶心
*The film about eye operations turned my stomach. 这部眼科手术的影片看得我恶心极了.

v [Tn] (esp in negative sentences or questions 尤用于否定句或疑问句)
1 eat (sth) without feeling ill 吃(某物)而不感到难受
*I can't stomach seafood. 我吃不惯海味.
2 endure (sth); tolerate 忍受(某事物); 容忍
*How could you stomach all the violence in the film? 那部影片里的那些暴力场面, 你怎么竟看得下去呢?
1. We gave him fluids for the first two weeks and then fed him through a tube which passed through his nose into his stomach.

2. The knife penetrated his stomach.

3. The dull ache in your lower stomach reminds you: late for nothing.

4. His ailment was only an upset stomach.

5. He kicked Bill in the stomach.

6. He allowed a mosquito of a group named Anopheles to make a bite as planned, and a few days later his microscope revealed plasmodium multiplying in the mosquito´s stomach.

7. "No thanks, honey . My stomach feels upset — like it's full of knots .

8. Steve smiled. "You're right. Maybe eating breakfast will help me get rid of some of the knots in my stomach ."
    史蒂夫笑了。 "你说得有道理。也许,吃吃早饭能消除我心头的烦恼。"

9. On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat----the normally accepted practice in many northern countries.

10. It would not have been very important if he had merely found plasmodium parasites in the tiny stomach, but the parasites were multiplying — suggesting that the mosquito´s stomach was one of their natural homes.
