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pt, pp of stand.


the past tense and past participle of stand1
1. But I could not say a word, and stood at my bench without daring to lift my head.

2. Behind him stood an enormous Russian, about six foot four, in the white coat of a Russian waiter.

3. For their house, which had sound foundations, would have stood stoutly even if it had been almost submerged.

4. When a shock came it shook the rigid table upon which these stood.

5. When a shock came, it shook the rigid table upon which these stood.

6. Who has not stood in awe at the sight of a spider pouncing on a fly, or a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle?

7. When I played some music, Laurie stood up on the bed and danced.

8. The door stood ajar.

9. They stood in the doorway chatting.

10. The quarreling couple stood in the sitting room, eyeball to eyeball.
    夫妻俩站在起居室里吵架, 你瞪着我, 我瞪着你。
