

美音:[stəuv ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stəuv ]点这儿播放单词英音发声



近义词, 同义词

furnace  stove  kiln  oven  chimney  hearth  forge    


/stəʊv; stov/
n [C]
1 apparatus containing one or more ovens, used for cooking (炊事用的)炉子
*put a pot on the stove 把壶放在炉子上. Cf 参看 cooker 1.
2 closed apparatus burning wood, coal, gas, oil or other fuel, used for heating rooms (以木柴、煤炭、煤气、石油等为燃料用来取暖的)炉子, 火炉
*a wood-burning stove 烧木柴的火炉. Cf 参看 fire1 3, heater (heat2).

=> stave2.
1. That day Mother did not light the stove.

2. Arrange an auxiliary cooking and heating source that can be used outside. One alternative is a portable camp stove with small cans of gas.

3. You wonder if eating a dozen chocolate-chip (碎片) cookies, wearing a house coat until 4, combing your hair at 5, cleaning behind the stove (twice) and crying in a job-agency parking lot qualify as symptoms of stress or maybe loss of self-worth.
    你不知道这些情况是否可以归类于因紧张、或许还有失去自身价值所引起的症状:一连吃下十几块巧克力曲奇、下午4点钟还穿着居家便服、5点钟才梳头发、在炉子后面东扫西抹 (两遍),以及在职业介绍所的停车场上哭泣。

4. It was furnished with some old tables, a blackboard, and an old stove.

5. In fact, I do weep a little, standing there by the stove holding one of the instruments, so white, so precisely rolled, that could cause my daughter's death.
    事实上,站在厨房煤气灶旁边, 我确实哭过。我手里捏着一支雪白雪白的香烟,制作得非常精致。那可是会致我女儿于死地的东西啊。
