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/sə'pəʊzd; sə`pozd/
adj [attrib 作定语] wrongly believed or said to be the specified thing 误信的; 误传的; 信以为真的
*His supposed generosity is merely a form of self-interest. 他貌似慷慨, 不过是变相的利己而已.
* The supposed beggar was really a police officer in disguise. 那个众人眼中的乞丐, 其实是化了装的警察. supposedly / sE5pEUzIdlI; sE`pozIdlI/ adv according to what is supposed (but not known for certain) 根据推测; 据认为; 据称; 大概; 可能
*This picture is supposedly worth more than a million pounds. 这幅画大概值一百万镑以上.


adj [only before noun]
claimed by other people to be true or real, although you do not think they are right
 gossip about Emma's supposed affair with Peter
1. Everyone went to the funeral, for the ´ghost´ was none other than Eric Cox, a third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man.

2. Even men who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians, carpenters, plumbers and mechanics.

3. But milk is a fluid.Don´t you think I´m supposed to drink a lot of fluids when I have a cold?
    但是牛奶是一种流质, 你不认为我感冒时应该多喝一些流质吗?

4. For though the pictures were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted by Dickie.

5. This is supposed to induce pleasurable sensations in the elephant, and its effects are reinforced by the use of endearing epithets,

6. This is supposed to take two months, but an attorney assures me it can easily take six.

7. A child of six was brought in by two adults. The child was supposed to be dead.

8. A welfare client is supposed to cheat. Everybody expects it.

9. At present, it is believed that genes account for at least half of what researchers call "g" — the general thinking ability that IQ tests are supposed to measure — while environmental influences account for the other half.
    人们目前认为,对于研究人员称为"g"的能力 -- 即智力测验所要衡量的综合思维能力 -- 基因至少起了一半的作用,而环境影响则起到了另一半作用。

10. You´re supposed to help your husband when he is bankrupt. Don´t just wander around the street.
    你的丈夫破产时你应该帮助他, 不要光在街上逛.
