

美音:[teıst ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[teıst ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.品尝,辨味,(of)有 ...味道,领略 vt.体验,感到 n.味道,味觉


taste为小学词汇   词频:4238


动词过去式:tasted 过去分词:tasted 现在分词:tasting 第三人称单数:tastes 形容词:tastable

近义词, 同义词

taste  flavor  gust  savor  gout  relish  smack  aftertaste  tang  degustationtaste  savor  smack  flavor  twang  tickle the palate  savory      


experience  experiment  feel  sample  savor  sense  test  try    


/teɪst; test/
1 [C, U] sensation caused in the tongue by things placed on it 味道
*Sugar has a sweet taste. 糖有甜味.
* a strong taste of garlic 很浓的蒜味
* I don't like the taste of this cheese. 我不喜欢这乳酪的味道.
* a wine that has no/very little/not much taste 没味的[味淡的/没什么味的]酒.
2 [U] sense by which flavour is known 味觉
*I've got a cold and so I have no taste/have lost my sense of taste. 我伤风了, 尝不出味道.
* bitter to the taste 苦味.
3 [C usu sing 通常作单数]~ (of sth)
(a) small quantity of food or drink taken as a sample (品尝的)少量食物或饮料
*Just have a taste of this cheese! 尝一点儿这种乳酪吧!
(b) (fig 比喻) first/early experience of sth 首次的[最初的]经历或体验; 尝试
*her first taste of life in a big city 她对大城市生活初次的体验
* Although we didn't know it, this incident was a taste of things to come. 我们当时并不了解, 这件事就是後来这类事的发端.
4 [C, U] ~ (for sth) liking or preference 爱好; 嗜好
*She has a taste for foreign travel. 她有到国外旅行的爱好.
* have expensive tastes in clothes 喜欢昂贵的衣服
* Modern art is not (to) everyone's taste, ie Many people dislike it. 现代艺术不见得合所有人的口味(很多人不喜欢).
5 [U] ability to perceive and enjoy what is beautiful or harmonious, or to behave in an appropriate and a pleasing way 判断力; 鉴赏力; 审美力; 欣赏力; 适度而得体的举止
*have excellent taste in clothes, art, music, etc 对服装、艺术、音乐等很有鉴赏力
* He's got more money than taste, ie is rich but unrefined. 他有钱却无修养.
* a room furnished in/with perfect taste 布置得相当雅致的房间
* It would be bad taste to refuse their invitation. 拒绝他们的邀请是不礼貌的.
6 (idm 习语) an acquired taste => acquire. (be) in good, bad, poor, the best of, theworst of, etc `taste (of sb's behaviour, etc) appropriateand pleasing/unsuitable and offensive (指某人的举止等)适度而得体[失当而粗俗]
*She always dresses in the best possible taste. 她总是穿得很雅致.
* I thought his jokes were in very poor taste. 我认为他讲的笑话太粗俗了. leave a bad/nasty taste in the mouth => leave1. there's no accounting for taste => account2. to `taste (esp in recipes) in the amount preferred (尤用于食谱中)适量
*Add salt to taste. 按口味放盐.

/teɪst; test/
1 [I, Tn] (not used in the continuous tenses; often with can 不用于进行时态; 常与can连用) be able to perceive (flavours) 能辨别(味道); 尝出; 品出
*I can't taste, I've got a bad cold. 我得了重感冒, 尝不出味道来.
* Can you taste the garlic in this stew? 你尝得出炖肉里有大蒜味儿吗?
2 [La, Ipr] ~ (of sth) have a certain (specified) flavour 有某种(所指的)味道
*taste sour, bitter, sweet, etc 有酸、苦、甜等味
* It tastes strongly of mint. 这有挺冲的薄荷味儿.
3 [Tn] test the flavour of (sth) 尝(某物)的味道; 品
*He tasted the soup to see if he had put enough salt in it. 他尝尝汤, 看是否够咸. =>Usage at feel1 用法见feel1.
4 [Tn] eat or drink (food or liquid) 吃(食物); 喝(液体)
*They hadn't tasted hot food for over a week. 他们已有一个多星期没吃上热东西了.
* That's the best wine I've ever tasted. 那是我喝过的最好的酒.
5 [Tn] (fig 比喻) experience (sth) 体验, 领略(某事)
*taste power, freedom, failure, defeat, etc 尝到权力、自由、失败、挫败等的滋味.
1. The medicine has a disgusting taste.

2. The dish has a peppery taste.

3. That style of architecture is too ornate for my taste.
    那种建筑风格太华丽了, 不对我的口味.

4. The great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands on the taker beyond that of putting up for a moment with a disgusting taste,

5. He doesn´t like the taste of bitterness in beer.

6. And then he also made the mistake of drinking not one but two frosted glasses full, while everybody else had a half-inch "just for taste."
    接着他又犯了个错误:他喝了不是一杯,而是满满两大毛玻璃杯的葡萄酒,而其他人的杯子里都只有半英寸高的酒, "只是尝尝而已。"

7. "Don't you have any taste of your own?"

8. Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want,

9. It has a sweet taste.

10. It is air-conditioned and beautifully lighted, and its displays are presented with taste.
