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thief为高中词汇   词频:4393



近义词, 同义词


burglar  crook  pilferer  robber    


/θi:f; θif/
n (pl thieves / Wi:vz; Wivz/)
1 person who steals, esp secretly and without violence 贼; 小偷; 窃贼. Cf 参看 burglar, robber (rob).
2 (idm 习语) honour among thieves => honour1. like a thief in the night without being seen or expected; furtively 偷偷摸摸的; 鬼鬼祟祟的. procrastination is the thief of time => procrastination (procrastinate). ,set a ,thief to `catch a thief (saying 谚) a person who has been a criminal is the best person to catch or prevent another person of the same type 用贼捉贼; 以毒攻毒. thick as thieves => thick.


npluralthieves [θiːvz/
1. Was the judge too severe on the thief?

2. When a thief was caught on the premises of a large jewellery store one morning,

3. The sudden appearance of a policeman caused the thief to run away.
    警察突然出现, 小偷就逃跑了.

4. The thief hid the stolen car in a barn.

5. The policeman would not let go his grip on the thief.

6. The lads now know that you aren´t a thief.

7. The thief outwitted the police and got away with his loot.
    小偷以狡计骗过警察, 带着赃物逃跑了。

8. The thief was wearing a mask.

9. The shopkeeper struggled with the thief.

10. The watchman who caught the thief was praised for his vigilance.
