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worker为小学词汇   词频:569

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/'wɜ:kə(r); `wɝkɚ/
1 (a) (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) person who works, esp one who does a particular type of work 工作的人, 工作者(尤指做某类型工作的)
*car, factory, office, rescue workers 汽车行业从业员、工人、职员、救援人员
* The company provides houses for some of its workers. 这家公司为某些工作人员提供住房.
(b) person who works in the specified way 以某种方式工作的人
*a good, hard, quick, slow, etc worker 做事做得好、努力、快、慢...的人.
(c) (infml 口) person who works hard 努力工作的人
*That girl is certainly a worker! 那个女的真肯干!
2 (a) employee, esp one who does manual or non-managerial work 雇员(尤指做体力工作或非管理性工作的); 工人
*The workers in the factory are paid by the hour and the clerical staff are paid a monthly salary. 这个工厂工人按小时计酬, 职员按月领薪.
* Workers are in dispute with management about the redundancies. 劳方现就裁员问题与资方争论.
* [attrib 作定语] worker participation in decision-making 工人参与决策.
(b) member of the working class 工人阶级的成员
*a workers' revolution 工人阶级革命运动.3 neuter or undeveloped female bee or ant that does the work of the hive or colony but cannot reproduce工蜂; 工蚁
*[attrib 作定语] a worker bee 工蜂. Cf 参看 drone1 1.


someone who does a job, especially a particular type of job
 part-time, low-paid workers
 workers in the tourist industry
factory/farm/office etc worker
 new health and safety regulations for factory workers
research/rescue/healthcare etc worker
 reports from local aid workers
skilled/unskilled worker
(=someone who has or does not have special skills)
manual/blue-collar worker
(=someone who does practical or physical work)
white-collar worker
(=someone who works in an office)
guest worker, social worker
[usually plural]
someone who works in an organization and who is not a manager
 conflicts between workers and management
 attacks on workers' rights
good/hard/quick etc worker
someone who works very well or quickly
the workers
the members of the working class
 the workers' revolution
1. Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story.

2. With this pace, I lived in low-grade terror — and I was only a part-time worker.

3. The worker detached a gear from the machine.

4. The future? Bosses could measure brain activity to learn worker quality.

5. The difference is that Western style decision-making proceeds mostly from top management and often does not consult middle management or the worker while in Japan, ideas can be created at the lowest levels, travel upward through an organization and h

6. Then the medical worker called the wheelchair repair companies to get the cheapest bid.

7. Then the medical worker alerted the main welfare office at the state capital.

8. He is an industrious worker.

9. He´s a worthy model worker.

10. A farm worker, who stayed up all night, claimed to have seen a figure cutting corn in the moonlight.
