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n.年纪较小者 adj.较年轻的






sb the Younger
old use someone famous who lived in the past and had the same name as their mother or father
 William Pitt the Younger
1. But who would not when, to be with younger people is so often to be invisible, to be treated as irrelevant, and sometimes even as disgusting.

2. The king´s younger brother took part in the intrigue.

3. This occurs when you start to act as if you are younger than you actually are; you act like a child.
    当你的行为举止开始显得比你实际年龄要小的时侯,你是在用这第二种办法。这时, 你的行为举止像一个小孩。

4. The younger twin might grow up with different influences — say, unusual friends or special teachers.

5. He gave his younger brother a pat on the shoulder.

6. And unfortunately, he looked much younger with his curly red hair, smooth pale skin, and the splash of orange freckles across his nose.
    更糟的是, 由于他那头红色的鬈发、光洁白晰的皮肤以及鼻子两边一片桔黄色的雀斑, 他看上去比我年轻了很多。

7. She felt no antipathy towards younger women.

8. She has a sister much younger than she is.

9. Mary was always envious of her younger sister´s beauty.

10. Rich was not only not Chinese, he was also my junior, a few years younger than I was.
