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youth为高中词汇   词频:1671



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/ju:θ; juθ/ n (pl ~s / ju:Tz; juTz/)
1 [U] period of being young, esp the time between childhood and maturity 青少年时期
*a wasted (ie unprofitably spent) youth 虚度的青少年时代
* I often went there in my youth. 我小时候常到那里去.
* He painted scenes from his youth, ie that reminded him of the time when he was young. 他画的是他年轻时的景色. Cf 参看 age1 2.
2 [U] (fml 文) state or quality of being young 青春; 活力; 朝气; 血气
*Her youth gives her an advantage over the other runners. 她年轻, 这是她比其他赛跑者优越的地方.
* She is full of youth and vitality. 她充满了青春和活力. Cf 参看 age1 2.
3 [C] (often derog 常作贬义) young man (esp one in his teens) 青年男子, 小伙子(尤指十余岁的)
*As a youth he showed little promise. 他这个小伙子, 看不出有什么出息.
* The fight was started by some youths who had been drinking. 这场架是一帮喝醉了的小青年惹起的.
4 (also the youth) [sing or pl v] young people considered as a group 青年人(总称)
*the youth of the country/the country's youth 全国的青年人
* The youth of today has/have greater opportunities than ever before. 现在的青年人比以往任何时候都有更多的机会.
* [attrib 作定语] youth culture, ie activities, interests, etc of young people 青年人的文化(活动、兴趣等).
5 (idm 习语) the first/full flush of youth => flush1.


npluralyouths [juːðz (US) juːðz, juːθs/
1. But she had had a hard life and it had knocked the youth and good looks out of her.

2. B. The Song of Youth. Have you read it?
    B. 《青春之歌》。你看过吗?

3. B. I agree. To go all out for the building of socialism: that is our Song of Youth.
    B. 我同意。全力以赴地进行社会主义建设:这是我们的“青春之歌”。

4. Women and youth in rural Southern communities now constitute the fastest growing segment of people with AIDS.

5. The reader´s hair stands on end when he reads in the final pages of the novel that the heroine, a dear old lady who had always been so kind to everybody, had, in her youth, poisoned every one of her five husbands.

6. The Youth Hostels Association.

7. Train teenagers to educate their peers. Because AIDS is spreading fastest among teenagers in the rural South, the stylists have established an "AIDS Busters" program which trains youth from 8 to 26 to go into the community and teach "A

8. The "1998 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth" found that 7 out of every 10 high school kids have cheated on a test at least once. Including all grades, the number is more than 6 out of 10.

9. He´s going to wait for me at the gate of the Youth Palace.

10. He says he´s staying at a Youth Hostel.
