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英音:[hɔl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


hall为小学词汇   词频:1336



/hɔ:l; hɔl/
1 (also `hallway) [C] space or passage on the inside of the main entrance or front door of a building 门厅; 正门走廊
*Leave your coat in the hall. 把你的大衣放在门厅里.
2 [C] building or large room for meetings, meals, concerts, etc 开会、用餐、音乐演出等用的建筑物或厅堂
*the Town `Hall 市政厅
* `dance halls 舞厅.
3 (a) [C] = hall of residence.
(b) [U] (in colleges at some English universities) large room for meals (英国一些大学各学院的)食堂
*dine in hall 在学院食堂用餐.
4 [C] (in England) large country house, esp one that belongs to the chief landowner in the district (英国)大的庄园府第(尤指属于该地区最大之地主者).
5 (idm 习语) Liberty Hall => liberty.


3【public building】
4【for students】
[Language: Old English;Origin: heall]
the area just inside the door of a house or other building, that leads to other rooms
= hallway
in the hall
 We hung our coats in a cupboard in the hall.
 a huge tiled entrance hall
a passage in a building or house that leads to many of the rooms
= corridor, hallway hallway
 Each floor had ten rooms on both sides of the hall.
a building or large room for public events such as meetings or dances
sports/exhibition/banqueting etc hall
 The school has a new sports hall.
 Five hundred people filled the lecture hall.
church/village hall
(=used by people who live in a place)
 A coffee morning is to be held in the village hall.
 a concert at Carnegie Hall
city hall, concert hall, dance hall, music hall, town hall
especially BrE a college or university building where students live
= hall of residence
American Equivalent: dormin hall
 For a brief time they had shared a room in hall.
1. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built.

2. We decided to hold the meeting in the hall.

3. The seating capacity of this hall is 300.

4. The council meets in the city hall.

5. There was absolute mayhem when the cow got into the village hall.
    那牛闯进村会议厅, 造成一片混乱.

6. Two of these projects were the construction of the Museum of Chinese History and the Great Hall of the People.

7. There are several novel features about this hall.

8. He marched proudly into the hall.

9. David Hall, 83,Bridge Street.

10. D.N. Hall,83,Bridge Street.
