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angry为小学词汇   词频:2095


形容词比较级:angrier 最高级:angriest


ang=to strangle(勒死;窒息)

近义词, 同义词


calm  quiet    


/'æŋgrɪ; `æŋˇrɪ/
adj (-ier, -iest)
1 ~ (with sb) (at/about sth) filled with anger 生气的; 愤怒的; 发怒的
*angry at being delayed/about the delay 因被耽搁[因耽搁]而生气
* I was angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake. 我因为犯了这么愚蠢的错误而在生自己的气.
* (fig 比喻) The sea/sky looks angry, ie stormy, threatening. 海上怒涛澎湃[天空乌云滚滚, 风雨交加].
2 (of a wound) painful; inflamed (指伤口)疼痛的, 发炎的.
3 (idm 习语) an angry young man young man, esp an intellectual, who disagrees strongly with the existing moral, social and political attitudes and tries to change them by means of public protest, through his writings, etc 愤怒的青年(尤指知识分子, 因强烈不满现实的道德, 社会, 政治等观念, 力图通过写作等方式鼓动人民大众奋起反抗进行改革).


adj comparativeangriersuperlativeangriest
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: anger]
feeling strong emotions which make you want to shout at someone or hurt them because they have behaved in an unfair, cruel, offensive etc way, or because you think that a situation is unfair, unacceptable etc
 I was angry because he hadn't told me his plans.
 He was beginning to get angry .
 His comments brought an angry response from opposition politicians.
 'Calm down,' she said, looking at his angry face.
angry with/at
 'Please don't be angry with me,' she said.
 Jesse laughed, which made me even angrier .
angry about/over
 Kate's still so angry about the whole thing.
angry (that)
 The workers are angry that they haven't been paid for the week.
angry with/at yourself
feeling strongly that you wish you had done something or had not done something
 David was angry with himself for letting the others see his true feelings.
literary an angry sky or cloud looks dark and stormy
literary an angry wound etc is painful and red and looks infected
 Joey reacted angrily to the news.
a little angry: miffed(informal), peeved(informal)
rather angry: annoyed, irritated, cross, in a bad/foul mood
very angry: furious, livid, outraged, incensed, incandescent with rage(formal)
to become angry: lose your temper, go mad(BrE), go berserk(informal), go ballistic(informal), hit the roof(informal)
words for describing someone who often gets angry: bad-tempered, grouchy, cantankerous, crabby, stroppy(BrE informal)

1. Explosions of rage pump up the brain's arousal system, leaving you more angry, not less.

2. 'Stay away from those trashmen. They're dirty.' I was angry with her. 'They're as good as we are,' I told her. '

3. When they had all made themselves comfortable, a stranger appeared. He looked very angry.

4. The angry congressman wanted to impeach the President.

5. There was a glint in her eye that showed she was angry.

6. They were talking loudly. I got very angry.
    他们大声说话. 我很生气.

7. This led to yet another angry argument.

8. The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news, because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft.

9. They get angry that they have to carry it all, and they blow their tops.
    他们生气是因为他们不得不把什么事情都扛在肩上, 还为之发脾气。

10. They see no roles for themselves in an Information Age society, and they are angry about their empty future.
