

美音:[ə´veıləbəl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ə´veıləbəl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


available为短语/超纲词汇   词频:367


副词:availably 名词:availability


-able 表示“有能力”、“易做”、“适合”、“足以做~”的意思,被修饰的名词有被动的意思 变化型 -ible


at-hand  convenient  handy  obtainable  ready    


/ə'veɪləbl; ə`veləbl/
1 (of things) that can be used or obtained (指物)可用的或可得到的
*Tickets are available at the box office. 票房有票.
* You will be informed when the book becomes available. 这本书有货时就通知你.
* This was the only available room. 只剩下那个房间可用了.
2 (of people) free to be seen, talked to, etc (指人)可会见的, 可与之交谈的等
*I'm available in the afternoon. 我下午有空.
* The Prime Minister was not available for comment. 首相无暇作出评论.


something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found
 Tickets are available from the box office.
available to
 Not enough data is available to scientists.
available to do sth
 Funds are available to assist teachers who want to attend the conference.
available for
 No figures are available for the number of goods sold.
available in
 There are plenty of jobs available in the area.
readily/widely available
(=very easy to obtain)
 Parking is readily available near the station entrance.
 Meetings were held to update employees as soon as new information became available .
 Further building can continue when money is made available .
 Every available space on the wall was covered in pictures.
[not before noun]
someone who is available is not busy and has enough time to talk to you
 Collins was not available for comment on Thursday night.
someone who is available does not have a wife, boyfriend etc, and therefore may want to start a new romantic relationship with someone else
>availability [ə,veɪlə'bɪlɪti/