

美音:[beıl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[beıl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.保释,保证金,保证人 v.保释,舀水


bail为短语/超纲词汇   词频:6268


名词:bailer 动词过去式:bailed 过去分词:bailed 现在分词:bailing 第三人称单数:bails

近义词, 同义词

security  guaranty  warranty  bond  pledge  plight  collateral  mortgage  lien  stake  deposit  promise  bail    


/beɪl; bel/
n [U]
1 money paid by or for a person accused of a crime, as security that he will return for his trial if he is allowed to go free until then 保释金.
2 permission for a person to be released on such security 准许保释
*The magistrate granted/refused him bail. 地方法官准许[不准]他保释.
3 (idm 习语) go/stand `bail (for sb) give bail (to secure sb's freedom) 交保释金(保释某人). jump bail => jump2. (out) on `bail free after payment of bail 交保释金後获释
*The accused was released on bail (of 1000) pending trial. 那被告在交纳(1000英镑)保释金後, 在开庭前暂时获释.

v (phr v) bail sb out
(a) obtain or allow the release of sb on bail 保释某人.
(b) (fig infml 比喻, 口) rescue sb from (esp financial) difficulties 救助某人摆脱困境(尤指财务方面)
*The club faced bankruptcy until a wealthy local businessman bailed them out. 俱乐部那时眼看就要破产, 後来本地有位富商鼎力相助, 才摆脱困境.