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英音:[´prɔməs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.允诺,答应 n.允诺,答应,许诺


promise为小学词汇   词频:2429


名词:promiser 动词过去式:promised 过去分词:promised 现在分词:promising 第三人称单数:promises


miss,mit=to send(送),to throw(投;掷)

近义词, 同义词


/'prɒmɪs; `prɑmɪs/ n
1 [C] ~ (of sth) written or spoken declaration that one will give or do or not do sth 承诺; 许诺; 诺言; 保证书
*We received manypromises of help. 许多人答应帮助我们.
* break/carry out/fulfil/give/keep/make a promise 违背诺言[履行诺言/实现诺言/给予保证/遵守诺言/作出允诺]
* I told him the truth under a promise of secrecy. 我在他答应保守秘密之後把真相告诉了他.
* I shall keep you/hold you to your promise. 我得让你遵守诺言.
* `I'll come and see you soon.' `Is that a promise?' `我不久再来看你.'`这话算数吗?'
2 [C, U] ~ of sth indication that sth may be expected to come or occur; likelihood or hope of sth 可指望出现或发生某事物的迹象; 可能性; 希望
*There is a promise of better weather tomorrow. 明天天气可能更好.
* There seems little promise of success for the expedition. 看来这次探险的成功希望不大.
3 [U] indication of future success or good results 将获得成就、成果或成绩的迹象
*Her work/She shows great promise. 她的作品[她]大有前途.
* a scholarship for young musicians of promise 为有发展前途的青年音乐家提供的奖学金.
4 (idm 习语) a lick and a promise => lick n.

/'prɒmɪs; `prɑmɪs/
1 [I, Tn, Tf, Tt, Dn.n, Dn.pr, Dn.f] ~ sth (to sb) make a promise (to sb); assure (sb) that one will give or do or not do sth (向某人)许诺; 答应(某人)给予某物、做或不做某事
*I can't promise, but I'll do my best. 我不能保证做到, 但我一定尽力而为.
* He has promised a thorough investigation into the affair. 他已答应彻查此事.
* `Do you promise faithfully to pay me back?' `Yes, I promise.'`你能切实保证把钱退还给我吗?'`是的, 我保证.'
* I have promised myself a quiet weekend. 我打算过个清静的周末.
* She promised me her help. 她答应过帮助我.
* The firm promised a wage increase to the workers/promised the workers a wage increase. 公司答应给工人增加工资.
* She promised me (that) she would be punctual. 她向我保证一定准时.
* `Promise (me) you won't forget!' `I promise.' `你可得答应我你别忘了!'`我答应你.'
2 [Tn, Tt] make (sth) seem likely 使(某事物)很有可能
*The clouds promise rain. 阴云预示有雨.
* It promises to be warm this afternoon. 今天下午可望转暖.
3 (idm 习语) I (can) `promise you (infml 口) I assure you 我向你保证
*You won't regret it, I promise you. 我包你满意. promise (sb) the `earth/`moon (infml 口) make extravagant or rash promises that one is unlikely to be able to keep 作不切实际的或轻率的许诺
*Politicians promise the earth before an election, but things are different once they are in power. 政治家在选举前空口许愿, 一旦上台就根本不是那么回事了. the promised `land
(a) (in the Bible) the fertile country promised to the Israelites by God; Canaan (《圣经》)上帝许给以色列人的肥沃土地, 迦南.
(b) any place or situation in which one expects to find happiness and security 期望中的乐土或安乐境界. promise `well seem likely to give good results 可望产生良好结果; 大有希望
*The new sales policy promises well. 新的销售办法可望取得良好效果.


The Clayton Compromise was a plan drawn up in 1848 by a bipartisan United States Senate committee headed by John M. Clayton for organizing the Oregon Territory and the Southwest.
1. But I must ask you to promise me not to tell anyone yet.

2. The Lord kept his promise, and lightened the burden of taxes that he laid upon the citizens.

3. How does the crop promise?

4. He´s a man of integrity; he won´t break his promise.
    他为人诚实正直, 决不食言.

5. He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date, but of course he never did.

6. He became mortally ill a few months before we had planned to go and, when he knew that he was dying, he made me promise to go on my own.

7. A brighter promise for the hopeful traveller who has sworn to get away from it all.

8. Juku teachers and managers say that because their schools are profit-making enterprises, they have to promise results to succeed.

9. Children were segregated into different classes according to scholartic promise.

10. If you make a promise , you must keep it.
