

美音:[belt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[belt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


belt为小学词汇   词频:3163


动词过去式:belted 过去分词:belted 现在分词:belting 第三人称单数:belts

近义词, 同义词


loosen  undo  untie    


/belt; bɛlt/
1 strip of leather, cloth, etc usu worn around the waist 腰带; 裤带
*a coat with a belt attached 有腰带的外套
* a `sword-belt 佩剑带
* You don't need braces if you're wearing a belt! 若系着腰带, 就用不着背带了!
2 endless moving strap, used to connect wheels and so drive machinery or carry things along 传动带; 传送带
*a `fan belt 风扇皮带
* a con`veyor belt 运输带.
3 distinct area, region or extent; zone 地带; 分区; 地区; 区域
*a country's `cotton, `forest, in`dustrial, etc belt 国家的产棉、森林、工业等地区
* live in the com`muter belt 住在通勤者居住带
* a belt of rain moving across the country 经该国而移动的降雨带.
4 (sl 俚) heavy blow 重击; 痛打.
5 (idm 习语) (hit sb) below the `belt (fight) unfairly 用不正当手段(攻击). tighten one's belt => tighten (tight). under one's `belt (infml 口) achieved; obtained 达到的; 获得的
*She already has good academic qualifications under her belt. 她已获得良好学历.

1 (a) [Tn] put or fasten a belt round (sth) 围绕(某物)系上带子
*Your mackintosh looks better belted. 你的雨衣系上带子更好看.
(b) [Tn.pr, Tn.p] attach (sth) with a belt 用带子系住(某物)
*The officer belted his sword on. 军官用皮带扣住佩刀.
2 [Tn, Dn.n] (sl 俚) thrash (sb); hit 抽打(某人); 打
*If you don't shut up, I'll belt you (one). 你再不闭嘴, 我就揍你(一顿).
3 (phr v) belt along, up, down, etc (sl 俚) move very fast in the specified direction 向某方向快速移动
*A car came belting along (the road). 一辆汽车(沿路)飞速驶来.
* He went belting up/down the motorway at
90 mph. 他在高速公路上以每小时90英里的速度疾驶. belt sth out (sl 俚) sing or play sth loudly and forcefully 大声地、强有力地唱出或奏出
*a radio belting out pop music 大声播放流行音乐的收音机. belt `up
(a) (infml 口) fasten one's seat-belt (esp in a car) 束紧安全带(尤指乘坐汽车时).
(b) (sl 俚) be quiet 安静
*Belt up, I can't hear what your mother is saying! 安静点, 我听不见你母亲说的话了.
1. The shopper only needs to place all the items on the conveyor belt at the checkout counter.

2. The day my son Larry started kindergarten (幼儿园) he gave up trousers with bibs (围嘴) and began wearing blue jeans with a belt.

3. He buckled his belt tightly.

4. He buckled his belt tightly.

5. He also wants to build a green belt from Portland, across Canada and the United States, all the way back to the Pacific Ocean.

6. A karate black belt chopped my knee when I sparred with him.

7. As the grocery items moves along the conveyor belt, the checker passes each item over a glass plate in the counter top, making sure that the UPC symbols can be read by the laser beam under the glass.

8. Communities across the continent could be connected by such a green belt.

9. In Portland, Maine, the land along the old train tracks near the coast has become a green belt of trails between areas characterized by housing developments and those characterized by downtown businesses.
