

美音:[blæst ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[blæst ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.一阵(风),一股(气流),爆炸,冲击波 vt.爆炸,,毁灭,使枯萎,损害


blast为短语/超纲词汇   词频:6009


名词:blaster 动词过去式:blasted 过去分词:blasted 现在分词:blasting 第三人称单数:blasts

近义词, 同义词

loudness  din  blare  clang  clangor  clatter  noise  roar  uproar  racket  hubbub  fracas  fanfare  peal  blast  boom  bang  thundersnap  rapping  report  thud  burst  explosion  blast  boom  discharge  detonation  firing  salvo  volley    


blowout  burst  discharge  explosion    


/blɑ:st; [US] blæst; blæst/
1 [C, U] explosion; destructive wave of air from an explosion 爆炸; (由爆炸所引起具有破坏力的)气浪; 冲击波
*a bomb blast 炸弹的爆炸
* Several passers-by were killed by (the) blast. 数名路人被炸死.
2 [C] sudden strong gust of air 一阵强烈的气流
*the wind's icy blasts 阵阵冰冷的风
* a blast ofhot air from the furnace 来自高炉的一股炽热气浪.
3 [C]loud sound made by a brass instrument, car horn, etc (铜管乐器或汽车喇叭等所发出的)响亮声音
*blow a blast on a bugle, trumpet, whistle, etc 军号、喇叭、哨子等吹出的声音.
4 [C] stream of hot air used to intensify the heat in a furnace 鼓风热气流(用以提高熔炉温度).
5 (idm 习语) full blast => full.

/blɑ:st; [US] blæst; blæst/ v
1 [I, Tn] destroy or break apart (esp rocks) using explosives 用炸药炸开(尤指石头)
*Danger! Blasting in progress! 危险! 正在爆破!
* The village was blasted by enemy bombs. 村子被敌人炸弹炸毁.
2 [Tn] damage or destroy (esp plants) by blight, cold, heat, etc; cause to wither (使)枯萎, (使)凋谢(尤指植物)
*buds/crops blasted by frost/wind 被霜[风]所毁的幼芽[农作物].
3 [I] make a loud harsh noise 发出响亮刺耳的噪音.
4 [Tn] (infml 口) criticize (sb/sth) severely 严厉地批评, 痛斥(某人[某事物])
*The film was blasted by the critics. 这部电影遭到影评家的猛烈的抨击.
5 (phr v) blast sth away, down, in, etc break something in a specified way by blasting 把某物炸至(某种状况)
*The explosion blasted the door open/down/in. 这爆炸把屋门炸开[炸倒/炸进屋内].

interj (expressing annoyance) how infuriating! (表示烦恼)倒霉! 糟糕!
*Blast! I've burnt the toast. 真倒霉! 我把面包片烤胡了.


Petropavlovsky District, Voronezh Oblast is an administrative and municipal district (raion), one of the 32 in Voronezh Oblast, Russia.
1. The shock of the blast shattered many windows.

2. They thought the blast would do most of the killing.

3. I heard a blast of the whistle in the distance.

4. I found myself suspended in the middle of the air — held up by a 130-kilometer-an-hour blast of wind coming from an industrial-strength fan in the bottom of the tower.
