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n.血,血液,血统 v.使(某人)先取得经验


blood为六级词汇   词频:986


动词过去式:blooded 过去分词:blooded 现在分词:blooding 第三人称单数:bloods

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/blʌd; blʌd/
1 [U] red liquid flowing through the bodies of humans and animals 血
*give blood, eg so that it can be used in a blood transfusion 供血
* He lost a lot of blood in the accident. 他在事故中流了不少血.
* Much blood was shed (ie Many people were killed) in the war. 战争中死了许多人.
2 [U] (fml 文) family; descent; race 血统; 家世; 种族
*of noble Scottish blood 出身于苏格兰名门的
* They are of the same blood. 他们是同宗.
3 [C] (dated 旧 Brit) rich and fashionable young man; dandy 纨 子弟; 花花公子.
4 (idm 习语) bad blood (between A and B) feelings of mutual hatred or strong dislike 仇恨; 恶感
*There's a lot of bad blood between those two families. 这两家人积怨很深. be after/out for sb's `blood (infml 口) intend to hurt or humiliate sb, esp as a punishment or as revenge 企图伤害或凌辱某人(尤指作为惩罚或报复者)
*(joc 谑) I was late for work again this morning my boss is after my blood. 今早我上班又迟到了--老板要找我麻烦了. be/run in one's/the `blood be part of one's nature or character because one has inherited it or become used to it (因遗传或环境影响)具有某种禀性或特徵
*Most of my family are musicians; it runs in the blood. 我家里的人大都擅长音乐, 是世传. blood and `thunder (infml 口) (in films, novels, etc) violent and melodramatic action (电影、小说等)暴力和刺激性的情节
*[attrib 作定语] a blood-and-thunder story 充满暴力和刺激性内容的小说. blood is thicker than `water (saying 谚) family relationships are the strongest ones 血浓于水(亲属关系最强有力). sb's `blood is up sb is in a fighting mood 某人准备战斗
*After being insulted like that, my blood is really up! 受到这样的侮辱, 我不禁怒火中烧! (like getting/trying to get) blood out of/from a `stone (of money, sympathy, understanding, etc) almost impossible to obtain from sb (指金钱、同情、谅解等)几乎不可能从某人处得到的
*Getting a pay rise in this firm is like getting blood from a stone. 在这家商行里想增加工资简直是缘木求鱼. (have sb's) `blood on one's hands (carry) responsibility for the death of a person or people 对他人的死亡

/blʌd; blʌd/
v [Tn]
1 (in hunting) allow (a young hound) to taste the blood of eg a fox for the first time (行猎时)让(初次上阵的猎犬)先尝尝(如狐狸的)血腥味.
2 (fig 比喻) give (sb) his first experience of an activity; initiate 给(某人)初试的机会
*This will be her first match for her country; she hasn't yet been blooded. 她将首次代表国家参赛, 这是破题儿第一遭.
1. Blood was trickling from his mouth.

2. Blood circulates in the body.

3. Blood is crimson.

4. Blood was pouring from the wound.

5. Blood trickled from the wound.

6. Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business with man far more quickly than the blood poison.

7. Beard and other experts say it's advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves.

8. When the blood of the languishing birds was examined, it was found teeming with malaria parasites.

9. When he came staggering out of the garden, blood was running from his nose and mouth.

10. We can even, if we want, interpret the term "family" to include people who are not related to us either by blood or marriage — a set of close friends who support one another, like the women I mentioned above.
    愿意的话我们甚至可以把 "家庭"看作包括一些与我们既无血缘关系、又无婚姻关系的人 --一些互相扶持的亲密朋友,就像前面所提到的那些女士。
