

美音:[bɔs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[bɔs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.老板,上司 vt.指挥


boss为中学词汇   词频:2320


动词过去式:bossed 过去分词:bossed 现在分词:bossing 第三人称单数:bosses

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/bɒs; bɑs/
n (infml 口) person who controls or gives orders to workers; manager; employer 老板; 经理; 上司; 工头; 领班
*ask one's boss for a pay rise 请求老板增加工资
* Who's (the) boss in this house? ie Is the wife or the husband in control? 谁是一家之主(是妻子还是丈夫当家)?

v [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb (about/around) (infml derog 口, 贬) give orders to sb in an overbearing way 向某人发号施令
*He's always bossing his wife about. 他总是呼来唤去地指使妻子.

/bɒs; bɑs/
n round projecting knob or stud, esp in the centre of a shield or as a decoration on a church ceiling 圆形凸起物; (尤指)盾的中心或教堂天花板上的突起装饰.
1. Even as I sat staring blankly (茫然地) at my boss, hearing, "I've got bad news: we're going to have to let you go,"

2. What did your boss say to him?

3. The boss has given me an irksome task.

4. The boss offered twenty thousand N T to thank me, but I refused to accept it.
    老板拿出两万元台币要谢我, 但是我拒绝接受.

5. The boss treated his employees sternly.

6. The boss took John to one of his workshops.

7. The boss´s handwriting is terrible!

8. Yesterday the boss told John he must work harder.

9. You recover some of the confidence that always told you how good you were at your job and accept what the boss said:
    你恢复了一些自信, 这种自信一直使你相信自己过去的工作做得十分出色,并接受老板的说法:

10. She received an admonition from the boss for not doing her work properly.
