

美音:[brıŋk ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[brıŋk ]点这儿播放单词英音发声



近义词, 同义词

edge  verge  brink  brow  brim  margin  border  confine  skirt  rim  flange  side  lip  threshold  coast  shore  fringe    


/brɪŋk; brɪŋk/
1 [C usu sing 通常作单数]
(a) edge at the top of a steep high place, eg a cliff (陡峭处, 如峭壁顶端的)边缘
*the brink of a precipice 悬崖的边缘.
(b) edge of a stretch of (usu deep) water 深渊的边缘
*He stood shivering on the brink, waiting to dive in. 他站在边上等待跳水时浑身发抖.
2 [sing] the ~ of sth (fig 比喻) point or state very close to sth unknown, dangerous or exciting (未知的、危险的或刺激性事物的)边缘
*on the brink of death, war, disaster, success 在死亡、战争、灾难、成功的边缘
* Scientists are on the brink of (making) a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. 科学家们在治疗癌症方面即将获得重大突破.
* His incompetence has brought us to the brink of ruin. 他很无能已导致我们濒临绝境.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old Norse;Origin: brekka 'slope']
the brink (of sth)
a situation when you are almost in a new situation, usually a bad one
on the brink of death/disaster/war etc
 In October 1962 the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war.
 The company had huge debts and was on the brink of collapse.
to the brink (of sth)
 managers who have taken their companies to the brink of disaster
back from the brink (of sth)
 He will go down in history as the leader who pulled us back from the brink (=saved us from disaster) .
push/tip sb over the brink
to make someone start doing crazy or extreme things
the brink of sth
literary the edge of a very high place such as a cliff
1. The tree grew on the brink of the cliff.
