

美音:[klʌtʃ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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v.抓住,攫住 n.离合器


clutch为六级词汇   词频:4850


动词过去式:clutched 过去分词:clutched 现在分词:clutching 第三人称单数:clutches

近义词, 同义词

iron grip  fangs  teeth  claws  talons  nail  hook  tentacle  bond  clutches hold  withhold    


adhere  cling  grasp  hold  stick    


/klʌtʃ; klʌtʃ/
1 (a) [Tn] seize (sb/sth) eagerly 急忙抓住(某人[某事物])
*He clutched the rope we threw to him. 他急忙抓住我们扔给他的绳子.
(b) [Tn, Tn.pr] hold (sb/sth) tightly in the hand(s) 紧紧地抱住、握住(某人[某物])
*clutch a baby in one's arms 双臂抱住婴儿
* Mary was clutching her doll to her chest. 玛丽把洋娃娃抱在怀里.
2 (idm 习语) clutch at a straw/straws try to grasp a slight opportunity to escape, rescue sb, etc in desperate circumstances 临危极力抓住渺茫的机会逃脱、救人等.
3 (phr v) clutch at sth try to seize sth 试图抓住某事物
*He clutched at the branch but couldn't reach it. 他想抓住树枝, 可是没够着.

1 (a) [C] act of clutching or seizing 抓; 握; 抱
*make a clutch at sth 想抓取某事物.
(b) [sing] act of holding sth in the fingers or the hands; grip 抓; 握; 捏; 攥.
2 clutches [pl] power or control (used esp as in the expressions shown) 势力范围, 控制(尤用于以下示例)
*be in sb's clutches 在某人控制下
* fall into the clutches of sb/sth 落入某人[某事物]的势力范围
* have sb in one's clutches 把某人控制住
* escape from sb's clutches 摆脱某人的控制.
3 [C]
(a) device that connects and disconnects working parts in a machine (esp the engine and gears in a motor vehicle) 接合器; (尤指)离合器
*let in/out the clutch, ie when changing gear 接合[分离]离合器(换挡时)
* She released the clutch and the car began to move. 她放开离合器, 汽车就动了.
(b) pedal that operates this device 离合器踏板
*take one's foot off the clutch 把脚从离合器踏板上抬起. =>illus at App
1 见附录1之插图, page xii.

/klʌtʃ; klʌtʃ/
(a) set of eggs that a hen sits on and that hatch together 母鸡一次所孵的蛋; 一窝蛋.
(b) group of young chickens that hatch from these eggs 一窝小鸡.