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danger为小学词汇   词频:1282

近义词, 同义词


safety  secure    


/'deɪndʒə(r); `dendʒɚ/
1 [U] ~ (of sth) chance of suffering damage, loss, injury, etc; risk 危险; 风险
*There's a lot of danger in rock climbing. 攀登岩壁非常危险.
* Danger thin ice! 危险--薄冰!
* In war, a soldier's life is full of danger. 在战争中, 士兵的生命充满了危险.
* Is there any danger of fire? 有遭火灾的危险吗?
* She was very ill, but is now out of danger, ie not likely to die. 她病重, 但现已脱险.
* Ships out in this storm are in great danger, ie very liable to suffer damage, etc. 轮船在这种风暴中出航要冒极大风险.
* His life was in danger. 他有生命危险.
2 [C] ~ (to sb/sth) person or thing that may cause damage, injury, pain, etc; hazard 可能造成损伤、疼痛等的人或物; 危害
*be afraid of hidden dangers 害怕潜伏的危险
* Smoking is a danger to health. 吸烟危害健康.
* That woman is a danger to society. 那个女人是社会上的危险人物.
3 (idm 习语) on the `danger list (infml 口) very ill and near to death 病危; 病入膏肓
*She was on the danger list, but is much better now. 她曾一度病危, 现在好多了.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: dangier, from Vulgar Latin dominiarium 'power to do harm', from Latin dominium 'ownership']
the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed
 Danger! No boats beyond this point.
in danger
 The refugees believe that their lives are in danger.
 I don't want to put you in danger .
danger of
 The danger of a fire in the home increases during the holidays.
be in danger of (doing) sth
 The bridge was in danger of collapsing.
grave/great/real/serious etc danger
 The condor was in grave danger of extinction.
danger from
 The public was not aware of the danger from nuclear tests in Nevada.
out of danger
 The patient is now out of danger.
 Pedestrians on this road face constant danger from cars.
[U and C]
the possibility that something bad will happen
be in danger of (doing) sth
 The party is in danger of being defeated in the next election.
danger that
 There is a danger that museums will attempt to entertain rather than educate.
the danger of (doing) sth
 to guard against the danger of becoming isolated
something or someone that may harm or kill you
 the dangers that abound in the region
danger of
 Children need to be educated about the dangers of drug use.
be a danger to sb/sth
 The wreck is a danger to other ships.
there's no danger of sth
used to say that something will not happen
 There's no danger of Darren ever getting up early.
be on the danger list
BrE to be so ill that you may die
1. For there was a danger that if she travelled too quickly, this rudder would be torn away as well.

2. The irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land bring danger to trip.

3. The crowd began to shout, but the matador was unaware of the danger.

4. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger.

5. There was a danger that the wave would rebound off the other side of the bank and send the dish plunging into the water again.

6. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger.

7. They had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle.

8. The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news, because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft.

9. The 'Danger' of Separating Students

10. Nature's recycling system is in danger.
