

美音:[´elə´veıʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´elə´veıʃən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声




lev=to raise(升;举),light(轻的)

近义词, 同义词


/,elɪ'veɪʃn; ,ɛlə`veʃən/
1 [C, U] (fml 文) elevating or being elevated 提高; 被提高
*elevation to the peerage 升为贵族.
2 [U] (fml 文) nobility or dignity 高尚; 高贵; 尊贵
*elevation of language, style, thought 语言、风格、思想的高尚.
3 [C]
(a) height (of a place), esp above sea-level (某地方的)高度(尤指海拔)
*The city is at an elevation of
2000 metres. 这座城市海拔2000米.
(b) (fml 文) hill or high place 小山; 高地
*a small elevation of the ground 地面上的小隆起处.
4 [C] (architect's plan or drawing of) one side of a building (drawn to scale) (按比例绘制的)建筑物的正视图; 立视图
*the front/rear/side elevation of a house 一座房子的正面[後面/侧面]立视图.
5 [C] angle that the direction of sth (esp a gun or planet) makes with the horizontal (尤指炮或行星的)仰角
*The gun has an elevation of
45 degrees. 这门炮的仰角为45度.


a height above the level of the sea
elevation of
 The road climbs steadily to an elevation of 1400 feet.
an act of moving someone to a more important rank or position
elevation to
 her sudden elevation to international stardom
[U and C]formal
an increase in the amount or level of something
 a sudden elevation of blood pressure
an upright side of a building, as shown in a drawing done by an architect (=person who plans buildings)
 the front elevation of a house
the angle made with the horizon by pointing a gun
 The cannon was fired at an elevation of 60 degrees.
1. He was overjoyed at his elevation to that honorable post.
