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every为小学词汇   词频:234

近义词, 同义词


all  each  none    


/'evrɪ; `ɛvrɪ/
indef det
1 (a) (used with sing [C] ns to refer to groups of three or more which are seen as wholes 与单数可数名词连用, 指至少三个, 视为一整体) each individual 每个; 所有的; 一切的
*Every child in the class passed the examination. 班上所有的学生考试都及格了.
* I've got every record she has ever made. 我已得到她灌的所有的唱片.
* I couldn't hear every word of his speech. 他讲的话并非每句我都能听见.
* He examined every item in the set carefully. 他仔细检查了这一套中的各项.
(b) (used with sing [C] ns to emphasize the separate units 与单数可数名词连用, 侧重指各单项) each individual 每个; 每一; 各个
*He enjoyed every minute of his holiday. 假日的每一分钟他都过得很愉快.
* I have had to work for every single penny I earned. 我挣的每一便士都是辛苦工作得来的.
* They were watching her every movement. 他们注视着她的每一个动作.
* Every time he phones I always seem to be in the bath. 他每次来电话时, 我好像总是正在洗澡. =>Usage at each 用法见each.
2 (used with abstract ns 与抽象名词连用) all possible 所有可能的
*We have every reason to think he may still be alive. 我们有充分理由认为他可能还活着.
* You have every chance of success. 你完全有可能成功.
3 (used to indicate regular occurrence at specified intervals) each 每隔; 每逢; 每
*The buses go every
10 minutes. 公共汽车每隔10分钟一辆.
4 (idm 习语) every other
(a) all the other (people or things) 所有其他的(人或事物)
*Every other girl except me is wearing jeans. 除了我以外, 其他姑娘都穿着牛仔裤.
(b) alternate 隔, 间(如隔周、间日等)
*They visit us every other week. 他们隔周到我们这儿来.


determiner [always followed by a singular C noun]
[Language: Old English;Origin: Afre Alc 'ever each']
used to refer to all the people or things in a particular group or all the parts of something
 We looked carefully at every car that drove past.
 Every child will receive a certificate at the end of the course.
 I enjoyed every minute of the film.
 I listened carefully to every word he said.
every single
(=used to emphasize that you mean 'all')
 He seems to know every single person in the school.
every last drop/bit/scrap etc
(=all of something, including even the smallest amount of it)
 They made us pick up every last scrap of paper.
a) used to say how often something happens
every day/week/month etc
(=at least once on each day, in each week etc)
 They see each other every day.
 Richard visits his mother every week.
every few seconds/ten days etc
 Re-apply your sunscreen every two hours.
 Freda had to stop to rest every hundred metres or so (=each time she had gone 100 metres) .
b) used to say how much distance there is between the things in a line
every few feet/ten yards etc
 There were traffic lights every ten yards.
every time
 The roof leaks every time it rains.
every now and then/againalsoevery so often
sometimes, but not often or regularly
 I still see her every now and then.
every other
the first, third, fifth etc or the second, fourth, sixth etc
 You only need to water plants every other day.
 I visit my parents every other weekend.
one in every three/two in every hundred etc
used to show how common something is
 In Britain, one in every three marriages now ends in divorce.
the strongest or greatest possible
 We wish you every happiness in your new home.
 There is every chance that he will recover.
 We have every reason to believe that the operation will be a success.
 We have every intention of winning this competition.
in every way
in all ways
 The school's much better now in every way.
every bit as good/important etc
used to emphasize that something is equally as good, important etc as something else
 Taking regular exercise is every bit as important as having a healthy diet.
 I loved him every bit as much as she did.
every Tom, Dick, and Harry
spoken used to mean 'everyone' or 'anyone', especially when you disapprove because there is no limit on who can be included
 I didn't want every Tom, Dick and Harry knowing about my private life.
every which way
AmE informal in every direction
 The kids ran off every which way.
every inchatinch1 (3)
HINT sense 1
Each or every ? See also: each