

美音:[ık´spəuʒə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ık´spəuʒə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


exposure为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3319


pos=to place,to put(置,放)

近义词, 同义词


/ɪk'spəʊʒə(r); ɪk`spoʒɚ/
1 [U] action of exposing or state of being exposed 显露; 暴露; 揭露; 揭发; 曝光
*Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful. 身体受烈日曝晒会造成损伤.
* The baby died of exposure, ie as a result of being exposed to the weather. 那婴儿因曝露于室外而夭折.
* the exposure of his ignorance 他的无知的暴露
* The exposure of the plot against the President probably saved his life. 揭发了反总统的阴谋可能救了他一命.
* the exposure of photographic film to light 摄影软片的曝光.
2 [C] instance of exposing or being exposed (expose 2b) 揭露; 揭穿; 揭发; 揭破
*As a result of these exposures (ie facts being made known to the public) several ministers resigned from the government. 这些问题揭发後, 有几个大臣辞职了.
3 action of exposing a film etc to the light (软片等的)曝光
* An exposure of one-hundredth of a second will be enough, ie Exposing the film for that length of time will make a good picture. 曝光百分之一秒就够了.
* How many exposures have you got left? ie How many pictures remain on the camera film? 还剩下多少张底片没照?
4 [U] publicity (on television, innewspapers, etc) (电视、报纸等上的)宣传
*Her new filmhas had a lot of exposure on television recently. 她的新影片最近在电视上做了大量宣传.


1【to danger】
3【public attention】
5【be very cold】
when someone is in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant
exposure to
 Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.
the action of showing the truth about someone or something, especially when it is bad
exposure of
 the exposure of his underground political activity
exposure as
 her fear of exposure as a spy
the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc
= publicity
 The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently.
【EXPERIENCE】 [singular, U]
the chance to experience new ideas, ways of life etc
exposure to
 The visit to Germany gave them exposure to the language.
 her brief exposure to pop stardom
the harmful effects on your body of being outside in very cold weather without protection
 We nearly died of exposure on the mountainside.
【PHOTOGRAPHY】[C]a) a length of film in a camera that is used to take a photograph
 I have three exposures left on this roll.
b) the amount of time that light is allowed to enter the camera when taking a photograph
the act of showing something that is usually hidden
【BUSINESS】 [U and C]
the amount of financial risk that a company or person has
【DIRECTION】 [singular]
the direction in which a building, hill etc faces
 My bedroom has a southern exposure.
indecent exposure
1. The best part of the job was her constant exposure to books.

2. A typical candidate for a prenuptial agreement is a man who has accumulated considerable wealth, has already been stung once, and wants to reduce his exposure to future problems.
