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publicity为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3043



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/pʌb'lɪsətɪ; pʌb`lɪsətɪ/
n [U]
1 state of being known to, seen by, etc the public 为公众所知、所见等之状况
*avoid/shun/seek publicity 避免[不愿/一心要]引起公众注意
* Their marriage took place amid a blaze of publicity. 他们举行婚礼轰动一时.
2 (business of) providing information in order to attract public attention; advertising 宣传(业务); 广告
*Her new play has attracted a lot of publicity. 她的新剧作获得广泛宣传.
* The publicity for the book was poor and sales were low. 该书宣传工作没有做好, 所以销量不大.
* [attrib 作定语] a publicity campaign, ie special effort to publicize and promote sth 宣传运动.
3 (idm 习语) the glare of publicity => glare2.


the attention that someone or something gets from newspapers, television etc
 Standards in education have received much publicity over the last few years.
bad/good/unwelcome etc publicity
 It's important to gain good publicity for the school.
 The adverse publicity had damaged sales.
the business of making sure that people know about a new product, film etc or what a particular famous person is doing
 Who's going to do the show's publicity?
 The Government has launched a publicity campaign .
 Is their much-reported romance just a publicity stunt (=something that is only done to get publicity) ?
1. The new project gained publicity through papers.

2. The poor record of survival, plus public reaction against the media´s use of heart transplants for publicity (and perhaps also entertainment), gave rise to a wave of anti-transplant feelings both in and outside the medical profession.

3. Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath, Maine, which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters.

4. It was a great ordeal for Mrs. West, but an even greater ordeal had been publicity.
