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fighter为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3989

近义词, 同义词


1 person who fights in war or in sport 战士; 战斗者; 游戏或比赛的参加者.
2 (usu approv 通常作褒义) person who does not yield without a struggle 斗士; 奋斗者
*She won't give up easily
*she's a real fighter. 她不会轻易放弃的, 她十分顽强.
3 fast military aircraft designed to attack other aircraft 战斗机; 歼击机
*a,jet-`fighter 喷气式战斗机
* [attrib 作定语] fighter planes 战斗机
* a fighter pilot 战斗机驾驶员.



also'fighter plane/aircraft/jet
a small fast military plane that can destroy other planes
 He was shot down by enemy fighters .
 a fighter pilot
someone who fights, especially as a sport
someone who keeps trying to achieve something in difficult situations
 James is a fighter - he never gives up.
firefighter, freedom fighter
1. When surveyors ask U.S. female high-school students what they are going to do when they graduate, they list all kinds of roles they want to fill, like doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, civil servants, police and firemen, and fighter pilots.

2. The knight was a gallant fighter.

3. Though he was technically a prize-fighter , Mendoza did much to change crude prize -fighting into a sport.

4. Nobody did. But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive before the fight began.

5. And yet, only half way through the book, she´s completely broken with the old world and become a staunch fighter in the ranks of the revolution.

6. Can our fighter-planes intercept the enemy´s bombers?

7. I believe we're doing a service people need, like being a police officer or a fire fighter. I'm not ashamed of it, but I don't go around boasting about it either."

8. I climbed into the back-seat of the world's hottest jet fighter, the F-16.
