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finished为短语/超纲词汇   词频:6242

近义词, 同义词




/'fɪnɪʃt; `fɪnɪʃt/
1 [pred 作表语] ~ (with sb/sth) (infml 口) in a state of having completed sth or no longer dealing with sb/sth 完成某事物; 不再与某人[某事物]有联系
*I won't be finished for another hour. 我还有一个小时才能完事.
* I'm not finished with you yet. 我和你还有事未完.
* She decided she was finished with working for others. 她决定不再为别人做事.
2 [pred 作表语] no longer effective; ruined 不再有效; 毁灭了
*The scandal means he's finished in politics. 这一丑闻意味着他在政治上已身败名裂.
* Everything is finished between her and him. 她和他已一刀两断了.
3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] made; completed 制造好的; 完成的
*the finished product, article, etc 制成品、物件等.


[not before noun]
no longer doing, dealing with, or using something
= done
 I'm almost finished.
finished with
 Are you finished with my tools yet?
[only before noun]
fully and properly made or completed
 It took a long time to do, but the finished product was worth it.
finished articleBrE
 The painting began to look like the finished article.
[not before noun]
no longer successful, effective, or able to continue
 If the bank refuses to increase our loan, we're finished!
1. But this phase of our development is now finished.

2. By the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium.

3. When other people are finished and having fun is most likely the time when online students do their course work.

4. When I am finished, I pull a chair up beside the bed to face her and, taking her free hand between mine, again notice the long, thin fingers.

5. Two of his assistants had been working busily since eight o´clock and had only just finished.

6. The first performance ended just as we finished dessert, and I excused myself and went to talk to the theater manager.

7. No sooner had she finished reading the poem than students´ questions began pouring in.

8. He can´t possibly have finished his homework.

9. Here you can see two workers who, between them, have just finished cutting three cartloads of golden brown macaroni stalks.

10. Have you finished already?
