

美音:[hu:d ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[hu:d ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.头巾,兜帽,车蓬,引擎罩 v.用头巾包裹,给...加罩,覆盖




动词过去式:hooded 过去分词:hooded 现在分词:hooding 第三人称单数:hoods


cap  cover  lid  veil    


/hʊd; hud/
1 (a) covering for the head and neck, often fastened to a coat, etc, so that it can hang down at the back, or be detached, when not in use 风帽, 兜帽(通常连在外衣等上, 蒙住头部及颈部, 不用时可垂在背後或取下).
(b) garment of coloured silk, fur, etc similar to a hood and worn over a university gown to show the degree held by the wearer 学位服垂布(用有色丝绸、毛皮等制成, 披于学位服外的学位标志).
2 thing resembling a hood in shape or use 形状或用途似风帽之物
*The robbers all wore hoods to hide their faces. 那些劫匪都戴着面罩蒙着脸.
3 (a) (Brit) folding waterproof top of a motor car, carriage, pram, etc (汽车、马车、婴儿车等的)折叠式车篷
*In fine weather I can drive my car with the hood down. 天气好时我可以敞着顶篷开车.
(b) cover placed over a machine to protect it or sb using it (机器的)安全罩, 防护罩
*a soundproof hood for the computer printer 计算机打印机的隔音罩.
4 (US) = bonnet 3.

/hʊd; hud/
n (US sl 俚) = hoodlum 2.


[Sense: 1-4; Origin:Old English hod]
[Sense: 5; Date: 1900-2000; Origin: neighbourhood]
[Sense: 6; Date: 1800-1900; Origin: hoodlum]
a) a part of a coat, jacket etc that you can pull up to cover your head
 Why don't you put your hood up if you're cold?
b) a cloth bag that goes over someone's face and head so that they cannot be recognized or cannot see
 He was abducted by four men wearing hoods.
AmE the metal covering over the engine on a car
British Equivalent: bonnetunder the hood
 Check under the hood and see what that noise is.
a cover fitted above a cooker to remove the smell of cooking
extractor (fan)
BrE a folding cover on a car or pram, which gives protection from the rain
AmE informal a neighbourhood
AmE informal a hoodlum