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inherit为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3917


名词:inheritor 动词过去式:inherited 过去分词:inherited 现在分词:inheriting 第三人称单数:inherits



近义词, 同义词


come-into  receive    


/ɪn'herɪt; ɪn`hɛrɪt/
v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sb)
1 receive (property, a title, etc) as a result of the death of the previous owner 继承(财产、头衔等)
*a youngman inheriting an estate, a title, etc (from his father) 继承(父亲的)地产、头衔等的年轻人
* She inherited a little money from her grandfather. 她从祖父处继承了一小笔钱财.
2 derive (qualities, etc) from an ancestor 因遗传而获(特性等)
*She inherited her mother's good looks and her father's bad temper. 她生来就有母亲的美貌和父亲的坏脾气.
3 (fig 比喻) receive (sth) from a predecessor 从前任接过(某事物)
*This government has inherited many problems from the previous one. 上届政府遗留给本届政府很多问题.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: enheriter 'to say that someone will receive your property after death', from Latin hereditas; HEREDITY]
[I and T]
to receive money, property etc from someone after they have died
inherit sth from sb
 He inherited a fortune from his grandmother.
 inherited wealth
if you inherit a situation, especially one in which problems have been caused by other people, you have to deal with it
 The present government inherited a closed, state-dominated economy.
to have the same character or appearance as your parents
inherit sth from sb
 Mr. Grass inherited his work ethic from his father.
 I inherited my mother's curly hair.
to get something that someone else does not want any more
inherit sth from sb
 We inherited the furniture from the previous tenants.
1. They typically do not inherit land, divorce their husbands, control their finances or hold political office.
