

美音:[lɔ:d ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[lɔ:d ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.封建领主,地主,统治者,[宗]上帝 vi.称王称霸,作威作福 vt.使成贵族


lord为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1942


动词过去式:lorded 过去分词:lorded 现在分词:lording 第三人称单数:lords

近义词, 同义词


boss  master  owner  proprietor  ruler    


/lɔ:d; lɔrd/
1 [C] master; male ruler 君主; 王
*our sovereign lord the king 国王陛下.
2 [sing]
(a) the Lord God; Christ 上帝; 耶稣基督.
(b) Our Lord Christ 主; 耶稣基督.
3 (a) [C] nobleman (男性)贵族
*She married a lord. 她嫁给了一个贵族.
(b) the Lords [singor pl v] (Brit) (members of) the House of Lords (house1 4) 上议院; 上议院议员
*The Lords is/are debating the issue. 上议院正在辩论这事.
4 Lord [C] (Brit)
(a) title of certain high officials 阁下, 大人(对某些高级官员的尊称)
*the Lords of the Treasury 财政部诸大臣
* the First Lord of the Admiralty 海军大臣
* the Lord Mayor of London 伦敦市长.
(b) title prefixed to the names of peers and barons 勋爵(用在贵族和男爵的姓名之前)
*Lord Derby, ie the title of the Earl of Derby 德比勋爵(德比伯爵的尊称).
(c) My Lord respectful form of address to certain noblemen, judges and bishops 大人, 阁下(对某些贵族、法官、主教等的直接尊称).
5 (idm 习语) drunk as a lord => drunk. good `Lord interj (expressing surprise, etc 表示惊讶等). live like a lord => live2. one's ,lord and `master (joc 谑) one's husband 丈夫; 夫君. `Lord knows nobody can say 谁也说不好; 天知道
*Lord knows where he dug up that dreadful story. 天知道他那讨厌的故事是从哪里找来的. year of our Lord => year.

v (phr v) lord it over sb behave in a superior or domineering way to sb 对某人发威或专横
*He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风.


n [singular]
a) a title of God or Jesus Christ, used when praying
 Thank you, Lord, for your blessings.
b) the Lord
God or Jesus Christ, used when talking about God
 The Lord helps and guides us.
Lord (only) knows
spokena) used when you do not know the answer to something
Lord knows how/who/where etc
 Lord knows how old she is now.
b) used to emphasize that something is true
 Lord only knows I tried my best to get this right.
(Good) Lord!/Oh Lord!
spoken said when you are suddenly surprised, annoyed, or worried about something
= heavens
 Good Lord! Is that the time?
the title of someone who has a particular type of official job in Britain
 Lord Mayor of London
the Lords
BrE the House of Lords
the Commons
Our Lord
a phrase meaning Jesus Christ
1. But no one could have possibly guessed the truth — that the man with endless money and a friendly manner was not a lord at all but a government employee living out a fantasy that he was a Scottish noble and paying for it by stealing funds from Scotla

2. Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo´s telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse´s great telescope in the eighteen-forties were scratches left by the grinder?

3. The days when the White could lord it over the Negroes are past and gone.

4. The Lord kept his promise, and lightened the burden of taxes that he laid upon the citizens.

5. The ship was the Lord Ligonier, which the record says left America with a cargo of rum for the English port Gravesend.

6. Tomintoul, Scotland — On Saturday night at The Grouse's Nest, they're still willing to raise a glass or two to “Lord Williams” , though now his title prompts laughter.

7. He bought noble titles at auctions, spending £95,000 to become the Lord of Chirnside, and then adding on 10 more Scottish titles.
    他在拍卖会上买了多个贵族头衔,先是花95, 000英镑成为彻恩赛德勋爵,后来又增加了十多个苏格兰贵族头衔。

8. According to an old legend, the Lord taxed the people of Coventry heavily and unjustly.

9. At lunch he spoke impolitely (不礼貌地) to his father, spilled his baby sister's milk, and remarked that his teacher said we were not to take the name of the Lord in vain(滥用上帝的名义).
    吃午饭时, 他对他爸爸说话很不礼貌,把还是婴儿的妹妹的牛奶打翻了,还说他的老师讲过,我们不可以白白使用上帝的名字。

10. She married a lord.
