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minister为高中词汇   词频:335


动词过去式:ministered 过去分词:ministered 现在分词:ministering 第三人称单数:ministers



近义词, 同义词


chaplain  clergyman  pastor    


/'mɪnɪstə(r); `mɪnɪstɚ/ n
1 (US secretary) person at the head of a government department or a main branch of one (and often a member of the Cabinet) 部长; 大臣(常为内阁阁员)
*the Minister of Education 教育部长
* a minister of state for finance 财政部的国务大臣
* the Prime Minister 首相.
2 person, usu of lower rank than an ambassador, representing his government in a foreign country 公使; 外交使节.
3 Christian clergyman, esp in the Presbyterian and some Nonconformist churches (基督教的)牧师(尤指长老会和某些不信奉国教派的)
*a minister of religion 牧师. Cf 参看 priest, vicar.

/'mɪnɪstə(r); `mɪnɪstɚ/
1 [Ipr] ~ to sb/sth (fml 文) give active help or service to sb/sth 辅助或伺候某人; 为某人[某事物]服务
*nurses ministering to (the needs of) the sick and wounded 照料伤病患者(需要的)护士.
2 (idm 习语) a ministering `angel person(esp a woman) who helps or serves others with tenderness and care 热心帮助或照顾别人的人(尤指女子).
1. Every year, on Independence Day, our Prime Minister Nehru spoke of the benefits of science and technology.

2. By a quirk of fate, Humboldt and Bonpland met Mariano Luis de Urquijo, Prime Minister of Spain, who was able to obtain for them the permission to visit the Spanish empire in South America.

3. When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad.

4. The Doctor wrote a letter to the Minister disclosing the whole affair.
    医生给大臣写了一封信, 揭发了整个事件.

5. The Prime Minister´s policy alienated many of her followers.

6. The Prime Minister was besieged by reporters.

7. The minister criticized my decision.

8. The Minister is quite good at diplomacy.

9. The Doctor wrote a letter to the Minister disclosing the whole affair.
    医生给大臣写了一封信, 揭发了整个事件.

10. The prime minister justified the action of the Government.
