

美音:[tend ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[tend ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vi.趋向,往往是 vt.照管,护理


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动词过去式:tended 过去分词:tended 现在分词:tending 第三人称单数:tends


tend,tens,tent=to stretch(张开)

近义词, 同义词


administer  attend  bend  care-for  foster  help  incline  lean  look-after  mind  nurse  serve  watch-over    


/tend; tɛnd/
v [Tn]
1 take care of or look after (sb/sth) 照料, 照管(某人[某事物])
*nurses tending (the wounds of) the injured 照料受伤者的护士
* shepherds tending their sheep 照管羊的牧人.
2 (US) serve customers in (a shop, bar, etc) 在(店铺、酒吧等)中接待顾客
*tend the store 照看店铺.

/tend; tɛnd/
1 [It] be likely to behave in a certainway or to have a certain characteristic or influence 倾向; 趋向; 趋于
*I tend to go to bed earlier during the winter. 我在冬天常睡得较早.
* Women tend to live longer than men. 女人多比男人长寿.
* Recent laws have tended to restrict the freedom of the press. 新法例有限制新闻自由的趋势.
* It tends to rain here a lot in summer. 这里夏天较为多雨.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ to/towards sth take a certain direction 朝某方向
*The track tends upwards. 这痕迹是朝着上方的.
* (fig 比喻) He tends towards extreme views. 他的观点趋于偏激.


[Sense: 1, 3, 5; Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: tendre 'to stretch', from Latin tendere]
[Sense: 2, 4; Date: 1100-1200; Origin: attend]
tend to do sth
if something tends to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen again
 People tend to need less sleep as they get older.
 My car tends to overheat in the summer.
alsotend to sb/sth [T]
old-fashioned to look after someone or something
 Sofia was in the bedroom tending to her son.
tend towards sth
to have one particular quality or feature more than others
 Charles tends towards obesity.
tend bar
especially AmE to work as a bartender
[I always + adverb/preposition]formal
to move or develop in a particular direction
tend upwards/downwards
 Interest rates are tending upwards.
1. Wives tend to believe that their husbands are infinitely resourceful and versatile.

2. Why does a person standing in a bus or train tend to fall when a sudden start is made?

3. Today we tend to go to the other extreme, but on the whole this is a healthier attitude both for the child and the parent.

4. They also tend to view themselves and their work as indispensable and their working long hours as commitment to the company.
    他们也往往认为他们本人及他们的工作对公司是不可或缺的, 他们超时工作是对公司一种承诺。

5. The Population Council report says women around the world tend to work longer hours than men, both at home and on the job.

6. Normal people tend to forget this process unless and until they are reminded of it.

7. Holiday hotels tend to cater for one nationality of visitors especially, sometimes exclusively.

8. Holiday hotels tend to cater for one nationality of visitors especially, sometimes exclusively.

9. Americans tend to become trapped in a working and spending consumption mode, driven by merchants, that leads them to rack up their expectations.

10. As workaholics tend to put all their eggs in one basket, their job, they can be helped by spreading these eggs into several baskets.
