

美音:[´ɔpʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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option为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1093


动词过去式:optioned 过去分词:optioned 现在分词:optioning 第三人称单数:options


opt=to wish(希望)

近义词, 同义词


/'ɒpʃn; `ɑpʃən/
1 [U] power or freedom of choosing; choice 选择权; 选择自由; 选择
*have little option, ie not much choice 没有多少选择的余地
* I haven't much option in the matter, ie I cannot choose. 在这件事情上我无可选择.
* I have little option but to go, ie I have to go. 我别无选择只好走.
* He did it because he had no other option, ie no other choice. 他这样做是因为他没有其他办法.
* He was given one month's imprisonment without the option (ie alternative) of a fine. 他被判监禁一个月, 不得以罚款相抵.
2 [C] thing that is or may be chosen; choice 可供选择的事物; 选择
*Make a list of the various options. 列出可供选择的项目.
* There weren't many options open to him, ie there was little choice available. 他没有什么选择余地.
3 [C] ~ (on sth) (commerce 商) right to buy or sell sth at a certain price within a certain time (按其价格在规定期限内买或卖某物的)选择权
*an option on a package holiday 包价旅游选择权
* have an option on a piece of land 有买卖一地皮的选择权
* We have a 12-day option on the house. 我们是否购买那所房子有12天的选择权.
4 (idm 习语) keep/leave one's `options open avoid making a decision now, so that one still has a choice later 暂不作决定; 留有选择余地
*Don't take the job now keep your options open until you leave university. 先别接受这份工作--暂时保留选择权, 到离开这所大学再说.


2 keep/leave your options open
4 easy option
5【right to buy/sell】
6【at school/university】
7【something additional】
8 first option
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: French;Origin:Latin optio 'free choice']
a choice you can make in a particular situation
 There are a number of options available.
 He had two options .
 This was not the only option open to him.
option for
 a range of options for cutting costs
one/another option is to do sth
 Another option is to rent somewhere for six months.
option of doing sth
 She had the option of staying for an extra year.
 Teenage mothers often have no option but to (=have no other choice except to) live with their parents.
keep/leave your options open
to wait before making a decision
 I'm keeping all my options open for the moment.
one of the possible choices you can make when using computer software
 Select an option from the main menu.
 a list of options
easy optionalsosoft optionBrE
the choice which will be the least difficult, least strict, or need the least effort, which someone might choose because they are lazy
 Is community service just a soft option for criminals?
the right to buy or sell something in the future
option on
 The government has agreed to buy 20 planes, with an option on a further 10.
 Connor now owns 302,000 shares and options.
one of the subjects that you can choose to study at school for an examination, or as part of a course at a college or university
 advice on choosing your options
something that is offered in addition to the standard equipment when you buy something new, especially a car
first option
the chance to buy or get something before anyone else
first option on
 They've agreed to give us the first option on their apartment.
1. This is one case where even people bothered by creating a child under the lens of a microscope might see cloning as not the worst option.
