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plenty为中学词汇   词频:1904


plen,plete,ple,pli,ply=to fill(充满),full(满的)

近义词, 同义词


/'plentɪ; `plɛntɪ/
1 number or amount that is sufficient for sb or more than sb needs 充裕; 大量
*plenty of eggs, money, time 很多的鸡蛋、金钱、时间
* `Do you need more milk?' `No thanks, there's plenty in the fridge. ' `你还要牛奶吗?'`不要, 谢谢. 冰箱里还有很多呢.'
* `Have we got enough plates?' `Yes, there are plenty in the cupboard. ' `咱们的盘子够用吗?'`够, 碗橱里有很多.'
* They always gave us plenty to eat. 他们总是给我们很多东西吃.
2 (idm 习语) days, years, etc of `plenty (fml or rhet 文或修辞) time when very many necessities, esp food and money, are available 富裕(尤指食物和钱)的日子、年月
*looking back on the years of plenty 回顾富足的年月. in `plenty (fml 文) in a large quantity; in abundance 大量; 丰富; 充裕
*food and drink in plenty 大量的食物和饮料. > plenty adv
1 (used with more to indicate an excess 与more连用表示超过的量)
*We've got plenty more (of it/them) in the shop. 我们店里还有很多(那种货物).
* There's plenty more paper if you need it. 你需要纸的话, 有的是.
2 (infml 口) (used with big, long, tall, etc followed by enough 与big long tall等连用, 後接enough)
*The rope was plenty long enough to reach the ground. 绳子长可及地.
1. But even when such refinements are not available, there is plenty to keep you occupied.

2. But even when such refinements are not available, there is plenty to keep you occupied.

3. By itself, nature can keep the balance and provide plenty of clean water for us. Nature recycles water.

4. Britain won't improve its system until after the year 2000, spurring Mitterrand to joke that passengers will have " plenty of time for sightseeing ".
    不到2000年,英国不会改善它的铁路系统,这使密特朗不由地开起了玩笑,说乘客会有 "足够的时间一饱眼福"。

5. Well, it also features recling seats, a tilt steering wheel, and plenty of headroom.
    嗯 ,它也以躺椅座,可倾斜的驾驶盘和充裕的头上空间为特色.

6. We´ve got plenty of time.

7. We´ve got first-class leaflets, plenty of them, but how to get them into the factory remains a problem."

8. There are plenty of books that have been rewritten in simple language - and shortened too, if necessary.

9. There are plenty of high-rise windowsills to fall from!

10. There is plenty of evidence that, too often, pressure from parents results in children suffering fatigue rather than becoming geniuses.
