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adj.足够的,充足的,只够做...的 n.充足,足够,很多 adv.足够地,充分地 int.够了!


enough为小学词汇   词频:1387

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/ɪ'nʌf; ɪ`nʌf/
indef det (used in front of a plural n or a [U] n 用于复数名词或不可数名词前) ~ sth (for sb/sth); ~ sth (for sb) to do sth as many or as much of sth as necessary; sufficient 足够的; 充足的
*Have you made enough copies? 你复制的份数够吗?
* Have we got enough sandwiches for lunch? 我们午饭的三明治够吃吗?
* Surely
15 minutes is enough time for you to have a coffee. 你喝杯咖啡15分钟当然足够了.
* I've got enough money to pay for a taxi. 我的钱够付计程车费的.
* There isn't enough space for my address. 我写地址的地方不够.
* (dated 旧) There's food enough on the table. 桌上的食物足够吃.
* We have time enough to get to the airport. 我们来得及赶到机场.

indef pron
1 as many or as much as necessary 充分; 足够
*Six bottles of wine will be enough. 六瓶葡萄酒就够了.
* Is
100 enough for all your expenses? 100英镑够你的全部开销吗?
* I hope enough of you are prepared to help with the show. 我希望你们中能有足够的人手准备协助这场演出.
* They were able to save enough of their furniture to fill a room. 他们能省出的家具足够装满一间屋子.
2 (idm 习语) e,nough is e`nough (saying 谚) it is unnecessary and possibly harmful to say or do more 适可而止. have had e`nough (of sth/sb) be unable or unwilling to tolerate sth/sb any more 不能或不愿再容忍某事物[某人]
*After three years without promotion he decided he'd had enough and resigned. 他三年未获提升, 认为已受够了, 便辞了职.
* I've had enough of her continual chatter. 我已厌烦了她喋喋不休的闲谈.
* I'm surprised you haven't had enough of him yet I found him very boring. 你对他还没有受够, 我很惊讶--我觉得他很烦人.

/ɪ'nʌf; ɪ`nʌf/
adv (used after vs, adjs and advs 用于动词、形容词和副词之後)
1 ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (to do sth/for doing sth) to a satisfactory degree; sufficiently 达到满意的程度; 足够地; 充足地
*You don't practise enough at the piano. 你钢琴弹奏练习得不够.
* Is the river deep enough for swimming/to swim in? 在这条河里游泳水够深吗?
* At
14 you aren't old enough to buy alcohol. 你才14岁, 不到买酒的年龄.
* She isn't good enough for (ie to pass) the exam. 她功课不够好, 考不及格.
* I wish you'd write clearly enough for us to read it. 但愿你能写得清楚点, 我们好能看明白.
2 (used to suggest that sth only deserves slight praise 用于表示某事物只值得略加赞扬) to a significant extent; fairly 达到一定的程度; 相当
*She plays well enough for a beginner. 对于初学者说来, 她弹奏得已相当不错了.
3 (idm 习语) curiously, oddly, strangely, etc enough it is very curious, etc that... 稀奇的是...
*Strangely enough, I said the same thing to my wife only yesterday. 说也奇怪, 我就在昨天也同妻子谈到这件事. fair enough => fair2. sure enough => sure.