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preservation为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5264


serv=to serve(服务),to keep(保持)

近义词, 同义词


/,prezə'veɪʃn; ,prɛzɚ`veʃən/
n [U]
1 action of preserving 保护; 维护; 保存; 保留; 保持
*the preservation and conservation of wildlife 对野生动物的保护
* the preservation of food, one's health, works of art 食物的保鲜、健康的保持、艺术作品的保存
* The aim of the policy is the preservation of peace. 这一政策旨在维护和平.
* [attrib 作定语] a preser`vation order, ie (in Britain) one that makes it illegal to destroy a building, etc because of its historical value (英国的)文物保护法令.
2 degree to which sth has been unaffected by age, weather etc 保存完好之程度
*The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation. 这些画保存得非常好.


when something is kept in its original state or in good condition
preservepreservation of
 Eliot campaigned for the preservation of London's churches.
 We are working for the preservation of the environment.
 the preservation of our cultural heritage
 methods of food preservation
the act of making sure that a situation continues without changing
preservation of
 the preservation of peace in the region
the degree to which something has remained unchanged or unharmed by weather, age etc
 The arena is in an exceptionally fine state of preservation .
1. For one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial,

2. We have made a law on the preservation of wildlife.
